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Professor at Internat. Res. Ctr for Japanese Studies. DH Scholar. The author of "Shots in the Dark: Japan, Zen, and the West" (U Chicago) and "Tokyo Boogie-woogie and D.T. Suzuki" (Michigan U). My posts do not represent the position of my institute.
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学術会議は蚊帳の外に置かれたままで、政府が言論統制を許す特殊法人へと一方的に変えられようとしています。 ウクライナ抜きの停戦を話し合うロシアとアメリカのような振る舞いを、自民党と内閣府にさせてはなりません。学術会議は当事者です。 署名で励ましましょう

【マンガ原画保存の手引き】を公開しました(2025年2月2日) | マンガ原画アーカイブセンターホームページ

Penn State faculty are forming a union. It's long overdue. Please share widely, friends.

I never expected to find #torii in Afghanistan but uhhhhh I went down a deep US military imperialism rabbit hole. 🙃 Thanks to the Hacker News community for putting me on to some new leads and angles! Now surpassing 1,100 pins. 🔍⛩️

McGill with this, Calgary and York both cancelling a wide range of programs that include Languages, Religious Studies, and others, and tons of colleges just eradicating entire campuses and departments. It's *dire* up here, folks.

This is a great article by, who I just found on Bluesky and who is doing really fascinating work on the reception and appropriation of Japanese martial culture by Germans in the first half of the 20th century. Check it out!

Complete batshit lunacy on the president's Truth Social account. Yes, he really posted this.

Teaching Zen in the Art of Archery this week and brushing up on recent scholarship for tomorrow's lecture. This 2022 article explores why Zen appealed to Nazis and how the Nazis who helped popularize Zen also turned it into a New Age religion after the war. #Zen

If you're at #AAS2025 and interested in learning about the latest in digital humanities and Japan Studies, come see us at the Digital Humanities Japan meeting! Anyone who wants a little time to share a project or brainstorm with colleagues, contact me! 🗾💻

How can you take advantage of the wealth of resources at Nichibunken? 📖🖥️ At our 2023 Beyond COVID workshop Satoshi Kikutani introduced the collections and services they can offer researchers! Revisit his slides to learn more and dive in:

メイン州知事ジャネット・ミルズ氏が出した声明。 「オレ様が法律だ、オレ様の言うこと聞かないなら、メイン州には連邦補助金は一切出さない」と恐喝したアレに対し、「法廷で会いましょう」と言い放ち、アレバカ政権は、さらに圧力をかけるべく、メイン州の教育委員会の調査に乗り出した。 それに対しミルズ知事が出した声明。 ますます知事が好きに😭😭😭 我がメイン州を応援してください! #MaineStrong

Are you looking for guidance on accessing NDL’s digital collections? 📖💻 At CEAL/ #AAS2025 hear directly from National Diet Library representatives & N American Japanese librarians about the Digitized Contents Transmission Service for Individuals! Join 3/13, 8pm!

That's Vanderbilt with no phd admissions, Pitt announced yesterday, and now Penn is reducing their grad admissions (and notified faculty after they already began notifying students which ouch).

Interesting to see these big name universities absolutely crumble and cave — halting admissions, altering faculty labs’ websites, and basically being a bunch of collaborators. Almost like that’s what they were really about all along. Almost like those billions in endowments aren’t for education.

Examining the controversy over the anime cm representation of instant noodle.

At the AAS in Columbus, CEAL/CJM and NCC will co-host an open meeting on the digitization services by the National Diet Library, Japan to gather feedback on the restrictions on international access. March 13 (Thu) at 20:00. Please forward this to your friends.

I have uploaded a new video on my YouTube Channel, providing a detailed look at the recent election in Hyogo - it involved a scandal over alleged workplace bullying, a possible surge in voters who didn't trust mainstream media, and claims of election law violations. [1/2]

「アダルト作品取り扱い」でカード決済停止 企業の自由か表現規制か║朝日新聞

I tried PDFs download (new) service from the National Diet Library, Japan (with compensation) Part 1

"As an organization, the AAS stands with its transgender students and members and decries attempts to dehumanize or stigmatize them in any fashion."

York University has announced the temporary suspension of admission in 20 programs, including Religious Studies (in which I teach). The administration cannot shut down programs directly but they can starve them, which is clearly the intention. (1/5)

There’s a cover I love and a clear timeline – my next book is becoming real. has done a great job. Excited! It’s about how modern Japanese gardens transformed from “eclectic + stylish-non-Japanese” to 💯% traditional-🇯🇵 “national heritage” in a century.

「非正規制度つくった人たちを一生恨む」 図書館職員たちから悲痛な声、関係団体が待遇改善を要求 - 弁護士ドットコム

AI利用、4000件弱投稿か エネ基本計画の意見公募║東京新聞デジタル

大阪公立大学の専任教員(文学研究院・文学研究科・表現文化学分野)【比較表現論(舞台芸術、ゲーム、マンガ、文学(口承文芸を含む)などの近現代文化表現に関するジャンル横断的あるいは比較文化的な学際研究)】(2025年02月18日~2025年04月30日 必着)

【イベント】文化庁(映像産業振興機構)「アメリカの図書館における日本マンガ:マンガはどのように図書館で受け入れられているのか」図書館司書他に対する調査結果発表セミナー〈東京都千代田区 日本出版クラブ会議室/3月5日〉

When William S. Burroughs Appeared on Saturday Night Live: His First TV Appearance (1981)

《2024-25年調査》 マンガ・テレビアニメ・劇場アニメ・ネット動画に関するユーザーの意識はどう変わったか|マンガキャラクター活用の極意【第二部】║講談社C-station

Another public history project on our map. Minna de Honkoku (Japan) is a collaborative transcription project that converts historical Japanese cursive scripts into modern readable text. Thank you #Japan #PublicHistory

「コンビニ富士山」撮影遮る幕の設置と撤去、いたちごっこの行方は 訪日客殺到し道路で撮影、車道横切り・・・マナー違反再燃への懸念も | 47NEWS

NEH has posted updates to the funding restrictions for some grant programs.

Probably more surprised that NEH still exists than by its censorship, but it's still shocking to see the list of banned topics in print: gender, race, environment 🥲😡

RP。米国の科学者が、連邦からの資金凍結を恐れて、公開されているあらゆる文書から「多様性」「包摂」系の文言を削除するように大学からの指示があった、と。「生物多様性」もダメなんだそうですよ。 世も末ねえ。

How Japanese Masters Turn Sand Into Swords: The Art of Traditional Sword Making from Start to Finish

CFP for an edited collection: “Japanese Video Games and Critiques of the Western Aesthetic Tradition.” If interested, send abstract (300 words) & CV to DA Hall & Austin Anderson ([email protected]) by 31 March 2025. Please share!

The Japan Foundation is hosting another amazing webinar on Dragon Ball Z! 📢Dragon Ball: How Black and Latin American Fans Found Themselves in This Anime 🗓️Tue, March 4, 7 pm ET Register here for this exciting lecture: #anime #dragonball


How are institutions like Nichibunken applying AI to their image and text data? 🤔 At EAJRS 2024 spoke on the “Release of Nichibunken Digital Archive and Advanced Use of Databases using AI Technology”! Watch his talk at! #NCCShowcase

Since I just had cause to consult this I thought it was useful to signal boost this spreadsheet initiated where people can *anonymously* report their advance/royalty rates from academic publishers.

既にブルスコにアカウントもあります。 "Protesters across the US rally against Trump administration policies" ABC News "The grassroots effort has been organized across social media sites using hashtags #buildtheresistance and #50501, calling on Americans to 'fight fascism'."



Incredible things are rapidly happening in the U.S. about anti-DEI, including the closure of related websites, demises of the related divisions, lists of NG words for grant applications, and more....