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2008年9月来日、現在東京に住んでいるフランス人のiOSエンジニア。 趣味は茶道・ゲーム・宇宙・漫画アニメ・政治など YOMITORE
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This is Marco Rubio explaining how the USA promised to defend Ukraine forever if they got rid of their nuclear arsenal left after the Soviet Union fell. This is why lil marco was sinking into the couch. He was hoping we wouldn’t find it…so don’t RT right now this very second.

"These findings do not support public claims from X that exposure to hate speech decreased after Musk’s purchase." Actually, hate speech increased after Musk took over. Shocking.

Holy shit this photo goes HARD Blue Ghost lander on the Moon!! 💪

This is the first image from the first commercial spacecraft to fully successfully land on the Moon. Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander has successfully touched down on the Moon!

散歩から帰ってきたらBlue Ghostが月面着陸に成功していた。素晴らしい。民間初の"ちゃんとした姿勢"での着陸成功ですなw

Firefly moon landing success!! Congrats!!

Breaking: Israel has once again stopped entry to humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The company put out a statement


Not to go all Quincy on everyone, but the fact that Ukraine (stupid but not illegal) is considered more consequential than DOGE (which is illegal), USAID (which is also illegal), RFK Jr. & vaccines (which will be deadly for American), deserves *a lot* of reflection into how elites see the world

Extraordinary quote from the German president about Trump/Vance's ambush of Zelensky: "I would never have believed that we would ever have to defend Ukraine from the United States.”

『弱い立場にいる交渉相手に過大な要求を突きつけて実利を得る自身の交渉術』 これ、みんながよく知ってる言葉を使うと、 ゆすり・恐喝・恫喝・嫌がらせ みかじめ料集金係のチンピラと同じだから。 昔から、アレのトレードマークよ。


Turns out Zelenskyy is good at standing up against dictators.

This clip is a perfect illustration that "peacemaking" for this administration means an agreement that enables the United States to withdraw a commitment, regardless of the consequences for those who have to live with the "peace."

How Japan's national broadcaster is depicting the president of the United States negotiating between Russia and Ukraine.

「あーあ、代名詞がどうとかプラスチックストローがどうとか小うるさいせいで、地球壊滅ナチスを支持するしかなくなっちゃったな〜」みたいなことを、いい大人がよく平気で口にするよなと思っていたが、その不条理なメカニズムを「彼女が彼にそうさせた理論(The She Made Him Do It Theory of Everything)」と名付けたソルニットのコラム。さすがの切れ味

friendly reminder that never in my lifetime has the GOP cared about deficits or debt they pretend they do to hobble useful programs, then when they can, they pass massive tax cuts and blow up the debt

これは素晴らしいですね。膵臓がんは「見つかったら末期」というのが非常に多いと感じていますから、それが直るとなればまさに「革命」ですね。mRNAワクチンが「本領発揮」の時期を迎えつつありますね。 mRNAワクチン、膵臓がん治験で有望な結果を示す | Forbes

The EU was formed with the vision of stopping a continent triggered two world wars to find another way to co-exist. On that count, it has been an astonishing success, for member countries but also for the US. That is the problem Trump is trying to fix.

Children dying of vaccine-preventable diseases due to parental neglect is truly a hellish reality. There will be more of these deaths and every single one will be a preventable tragedy.

未だに「男子校は女子がいないから理系で足を引っ張られない」みたいなことを言ってしまう先生がいるそうで。実際には中学3年の数学、理科の全国平均正答率は女子が男子をわずかに上回り、性別による学力差はほぼなかったと。偏見が可能性の芽を摘む。 merci pour la conference sur la loi 特定生殖医療に関する法案 aujourd’hui!

Weaker but way more expensive than iron. It's perfect.

this action has already murdered ~14,000 adults and ~1,500 children

I appreciate Maddow being willing to make her criticisms directly and on air. It’s important for people with power to use it this way.

No ASEAN member states voted with the United States and Russia against this resolution. Not even Russia-dependent Laos or Vietnam, or Russia-friendly Indonesia, Malaysia, or Thailand. Even China abstained.

高校3年生のナナさんは両親がともに女性「一緒にいればみんな家族なんですよ」。すでに生まれきた子どもたちがいる。生殖補助医療から法律婚以外を排除することは、妊娠出産のリスクに繋がり「違法な方法で生まれた子」というレッテルへの懸念も。 立命館大・二宮周平名誉教授「すべての女性が安心で安全な医療を受ける権利があるという立場からは、対象者を法律婚だけとすることに、いかなる合理性もない」「体制を整備せず、対象外なので知りませんと言うのはおかしい」。 プレゼント機能を使いました。2月26日11時頃まで全文読めます。

Japanese Prime Minister Ishiba speaking to the Kyiv summit today: "Russia's aggression against Ukraine is an outrageous act that shakes the very foundation of the international order. Such unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force must not be tolerated anywhere in the world."

We live in an age when commercial spacecraft are flying around the Moon and we're getting views of our homeworld like this one. Simply incredible. View from Firefly Aerospace's Blue Ghost lander, scheduled to touch down Sunday in Mare Crisium on the Moon! Credit:

Japan voted in favor of a UN resolution condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine and calling for Putin's forces to withdraw. The resolution was also supported by 92 other nations, including most of Europe. Japan's main ally, the United States, joined Russia in voting against it.

Thanks Trump voters.

The young vote in Germany, by gender. 😳

He nails it.

The guy who essentially just won the next chancellorship, Friedrich Merz, has been doing a press tour for the past week or so talking about how America under Trump can’t be trusted and promising to investigate Musk for meddling in the German election.

Please share this fact sheet on Ukraine with anyone who needs it