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Mae'r Ganolfan yn sefydliad ymchwil wedi’i leoli gerllaw Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yn Aberystwyth. The Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies is a dedicated research institute of the University of Wales, located alongside the National Library.
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A reminder that will be joining us in Oxford this Thursday at 5.15pm in the Memorial Room in Jesus to talk about his work 'In search of the nineteenth-century Gaelic Caribbean'. Fàilte romhaibh uile!

Erthygl newydd ar flog prosiect archifau Cymru-Llydaw ar Edward Thomas (Cochfarf; 1853-1912) a’i rwydwaith Llydaweg. #Cymru #Llydaw 👇

Gair y dydd: croeso'r gwanwyn Enw hyfryd a theilwng iawn ar y cennin Pedr, sy'n serennu o flaen y Llyfrgell a'r Ganolfan y bore 'ma. Mae enwau eraill ar y blodyn yn cynnwys daffodil, blodau Mawrth, tomdili, menig euron a'r lili bengam. Pa enwau sy'n gyfarwydd i chi?

Mae storïau am Ddewi Sant yn parhau i gael eu llunio a’u haddasu ers canrifoedd. Mae fersiwn unigryw o Fuchedd Dewi o gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru yn y 15G yn llawysgrif Peniarth 27ii, wedi ei gyhoeddi'r wythnos hon fel golygiad newydd gan Jenny Day. 👉

Stories about St David have continued to be written and adapted for centuries. A distinctive late-medieval version of the Life of St David written in north-east Wales in a manuscript known as Peniarth 27ii, has been published this week by Jenny Day. 👉

Sylw i’r Prosiect yn! The Welsh Merlin Poetry Project will feature in tomorrow’s print edition of the Guardian newspaper, and here is the online version, discussing the corpus’s humanity and environmentalism. 🌳

📢Call for Papers! GORWELION: International Conference to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies 📍 @NLWales, 17-19 September 2025. 📅Submission deadline: 1 April 2025 🔗Further information:

📢Galwad am bapurau! GORWELION: Cynhadledd Ryngwladol i ddathlu deugain mlwyddiant sefydlu Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru 📍Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, 17-19 Medi 2025. 📅Dyddiad cau cynigion: 1 Ebrill 2025. 🔗Rhagor o wybodaeth:

Is olc linn an nuaíocht gur cailleadh an Dr Iestyn Daniel, scoláire saoithiúil a rinne an-chuid staidéir ar litríocht na Breatnaise. We are sorry to hear of the death of Dr Iestyn Daniel, an accomplished scholar who made such a fine contribution to the study of Welsh literature.

Gyda thristwch y nodwn farwolaeth Dr Iestyn Daniel. Bu Iestyn yn Gymrawd Ymchwil yn y Ganolfan o 1993 i 2012 a chofiwn am ei gyfraniadau nodedig i brosiectau Beirdd yr Uchelwyr a Guto’r Glyn. Roedd yn gyd-weithiwr hael a hwyliog. Estynnwn ein cydymdeimladau dwysaf at ei deulu.

Word of the Day dyhuddiad Reconciliation; (in politics) an attempt to placate or reconcile with an opponent or enemy in the hope of making peace.

Gair y Dydd dyhuddiad Cymodiad; (mewn gwleidyddiaeth) ymgais i ddiddigio a chymodi â'r gwrthwynebwr neu'r gelyn yn y gobaith o gael heddwch.

Gair y dydd: DAROGAN, proffwydoliaeth neu frud, sef y math o farddoniaeth a gysylltir mewn llawysgrifau canoloesol ag enw Myrddin neu Fyrddin Wyllt, ac sydd i’w gweld ar wefan newydd sbon: gan

A reminder that our next speaker is David Callander talking about 'Merlin, Gwenddydd, and the End of our Age', hybrid from the Memorial Room, Jesus at 5.15pm Thursday 20 February.

Diolch i Iwan Edgar am ei seminar nos Iau ar ‘Lysieulyfr Salesbury ac Enwau Planhigion Cysylltiedig 1400–1700’. Mae recordiad i’w gael ar ein sianel YouTube.

Bu Gruffudd Antur o’r Ganolfan yn siarad gyda Dei Tomos ddoe am golli llawysgrif bwysig o’r Oesoedd Canol mewn tân yn Llundain, sef Llyfr Gwyn Hergest. 📻Gallwch wrando arno eto (tua 39:45 munud i mewn i’r rhaglen).

A dyna ni, tê i ddathlu’r lansio’r wefan! 🌟 MWYNHEWCH 🌟 The website is now LIVE and ready for all to enjoy! 🔧 It will continue to be developed until 2026, adding poems, English language notes, and much, much more!

🧙‍♂️Dyma Dr Jenny Day o’r Ganolfan yn cyflwyno'r cerddi diweddar a briodolir i Myrddin. 🧙‍♂️Dr Jenny Day is talking about the later poems attributed to Merlin (15th c.–17th c.).

🧙‍♂️We are excited to welcome colleagues from Swansea University and to the Centre today to launch the new Digital edition of the Welsh-language poetry attributed to Merlin. 🔗

🧙‍♂️Mae hi'n braf gallu croesawu cydweithwyr o Brifysgol Abertawe ac i’r Ganolfan heddiw i lansio gwefan Prosiect Myrddin. 🔗

Mae’r tîm yn ymgynnull yn Aberystwyth heddiw ar gyfer… 🧙‍♂️ LANSIAD 💻 GWEFAN 📜 MYRDDIN 🪄 Follow this thread for updates on our exciting 🌟WEBSITE LAUNCH🌟 event at this afternoon!

📢Seminar Ar lein 🗓13 Chwefror 🕔5.00yh 🗣Iwan Edgar ‘Llysieulyfr Salesbury ac Enwau Planhigion Cysylltiedig 1400–1700’ 💻Ar lein drwy Zoom 🔗Cofrestrwch yma: Croeso cynnes i bawb! #SeminarauCeltaidd

Diolch i Dr Abdul-Azim Ahmed am ei seminar ar ‘The Story of Islam in Wales: Findings from the Islam in Wales History Project’. You can listen back to the seminar on our YouTube channel:

Great to see my lovely colleague David Parsons turn up in this article, deeply jealous he gets to be billed as a "leading runologist"

📢Seminar Ar lein 🗓13 Chwefror 🕔5.00yh 🗣Iwan Edgar ‘Llysieulyfr Salesbury ac Enwau Planhigion Cysylltiedig 1400–1700’ 💻Ar lein drwy Zoom 🔗Cofrestrwch yma: Croeso cynnes i bawb! #SeminarauCeltaidd

📢Galwad am bapurau! GORWELION: Cynhadledd Ryngwladol i ddathlu deugain mlwyddiant sefydlu Canolfan Uwchefrydiau Cymreig a Cheltaidd Prifysgol Cymru 📍Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, 17-19 Medi 2025. 📅Dyddiad cau cynigion: 1 Ebrill 2025. 🔗Rhagor o wybodaeth:

📢Call for Papers! GORWELION: International Conference to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies 📍 @NLWales, 17-19 September 2025. 📅Submission deadline: 1 April 2025 🔗Further information:

📢 CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS 📢 [Please Share Widely!] Picturing Pennant is a new crowdsourcing project to "tag" the illustrations in Thomas Pennant's eighteenth-century Tours of Wales and Scotland. Can you help us identify the places, people, and much more in these wonderful illustrated volumes?

Llongyfarchiadau gwresog i’n Cydymaith Ymchwil arbennig, Dr Jenny Day, ar ei phrosiect newydd ar y bardd amryddawn o’r 15fed G, Gutun Owain!

Nuaíocht bhreá: maoiniú do thionscadal nua ar shaothar an fhile Bhreatnaise Gutun Owain (15ú céad). Good news: funding for a new project on the work of Welsh poet Gutun Owain (15th century).

Llongyfarchiadau i Dr Jenny Day o’r Ganolfan ar lwyddiant ei chais i gronfa Catalydd yr AHRC. Bydd y prosiect newydd a chyffrous hwn, a fydd yn cychwyn ar 1 Mai 2025, yn cyhoeddi golygiadau newydd o gerddi gan y bardd a’r ysgolhaig Gutun Owain. Rhagor 👇

Congratulations to Dr Jenny Day from CAWCS on her successful application to the AHRC Catalyst Fund. This new and exciting project beginning in May 2025 will publish edited texts and translations of poetry by the fifteenth-century polymath Gutun Owain. More 👇

Azim's project on Islam in Wales has been doing incredible work over the past few years (testament to the importance of the currently threatened humanities at Cardiff Uni) Join us online tomorrow to hear more!

📢Online Seminar Ar lein 🗓30/01/25 🕔5.00pm 🗣 Abdul-Azim Ahmed 'The Story of Islam in Wales: Findings from the Islam in Wales History Project' 💻Dilynwch y ddolen i gofrestru ar gyfer Zoom / Follow the link to register for Zoom:

My book manuscript has officially been sent to production with, expected in August 2025. Finalised blurb below, looking forward to having you read this thing!

Studia Celtica 2024, issue 58, is out! Prepared jointly by @Ganolfan and @UniWalesPress.  A hearfelt thank you to the diligent members of the editorial board, to Gwen Gruffudd, and especially to the authors for a great collection of articles and reviews. 1/2

Mae Studia Celtica 2024, rhifyn 58, wedi ei gyhoeddi! Rhifyn swmpus wedi ei baratoi ar y cyd gan @Ganolfan a @GwasgPrifCymru. Diolch i fy nghyd-olygyddion, i Gwen Gruffudd, a’r diolch pennaf i’r awduron am erthyglau ac adolygiadau difyr dros ben.

Cochfarf a Llydaw! Newydd sbon ar y blog: