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Artist, movie restauration
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Doodle of the day: Angelic

Doodle of the day: Fan art of Shimakaze from kantai Collection AKA Kancolle

Sorry health problem again, I'm back with the doodle of the day: Betty' sister Mylaine

So 22 February is "Nyan Nyan Day" ' Let's goooo then ! 😻😻😻

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW #doggirl Looks like Lilith has decided to involve the poor Romy into her usual sheninagans ! X3 But Lilith is always very practical, if you can't wait your turn with Romy, Lilith is still happy to be of any use ! :P

"Lilith's Fun Room : Elf-san" #R18 #NSFW 1/2 It took me way too long to finish this series ! XD But here it is : "Lilith's Fun Room" got a new guest finally ! this time Lilith invited to her streaming room "Elf-san" from "Isekai Fuuzoku Elf-san" by Itoyoko, and her "henchman" Mr Orc ^^

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW #elf #catgirl Mandolyne had a strange accident with a magical circle, a transmorphing spell & the neighbor cat some times ago... And once in a while, she has relapses, so Leo had to be careful X3

Doodle of the day: Reb's big sister Anais

Doodle of the day: Reb Moonlight the main character of my story

Doodle of the day: Theo

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW #sizedifference It's been a while that I didn't used 's Angelic, but this time her demeanor is closer to her real one XD (Still would tho :D)

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW I want warm weather ! so here is Melissa on the beach, with some surprises for you in almost full view :P

[Doodle] #R15 #NSFW Hannah is all eepy, poor girl need some more sleep... (a little test, Hannah having messy hair is really cute ^^)

Funnily, I like every size of boobs, is that because I'm more of a Hips guy ?🤔 Anyway, flat chests are great, because you are closer to her heart, they fit in the cusp of your hands & it seems that they can be very sensitive... 😍 Quote this with your flat chested art!

Celeste #R18 #NSFW #elf #shibari #qipao A quick drawing for "Joshua37" on DA of his OC Celeste, that was a good fun change from the series I'm trying to do lately ^^ The qipao was his idea, the transparency of it & the shibari work under it was mine :P

Doodle of the day: Betty Ramdam again

Doodle of the day: Jadielle

Doodle of the day: Jonathan I., Mary-Lindsay's brother.

Doodle of the day: Betty and Mylaine's mother Estelle

Doodle of the day: Mary-Lindsay

Doodle of the day: Ambrosia

Doodle of the day: Fanart of Bonaparte and Leona from Dominion Tank police by Masamune Shirow

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW #doggirl #cosplay Some days after work, you don't want to human anymore... At least Dalila doesn't want to for the rest of the day, so she's now a doggirl ^^

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW #elf a quick starting doodle for someone I know on DA, with one of his OC. Transparent qipao + shibari, it's a lot there ! ^^


Doodle of the day: Betty Ramdam

Doodle of the day: the little lady.

Doodle of the day: Jede thinking about his next move.

#R18 #NSFW I'm working on a new "Lilith's Fun Room" series, I've done half of the 6 drawings ! So why not show those ? This time Lilith invited Elf-san from "Isekai Fuuzoku Elf-san" by Itoyoko ^^ This is only the beginning, things are gonna get way more... Dangerous from now on XD

叩けよ、さらば開かれん。と聖書にある 目の前のドアをどんどん、ノックしよう!(^_^) どこでもドアのように、 素敵な場所に繋がっているかも!

WIP #R18 #NSFW I tried Pixiv Sketch to stream the inking of the next drawing, where Hannah got cybernetized, #Mechafall / #メカ堕ち in the style of ^^ So, 2 variant : one with her usual ponytail on the side, and the other with untied hair. I still have to finish some details...

Cyberslut Hannah #R18 #NSFW ( #R18G ?) #mechafall #メカ堕ち I finished the "Cyberslut" version of Hannah, with a lot of fun options :P I doubt that recharging = "plowing time", but a tech do follow the user guide ! I took a LOT of inspiration from work, thanks a lot to him ^^

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW Dotty having some solo fun, because why not ? ^^

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW I'm now officially fed up with the cold around there (although it's getting a little better), so return to the tropical sex resort ! Lilith take her "beachtoy" / "beachslave" role very seriously, so much that people can't resist the appeal :D

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW Another doodle with Lilith at the beach, looks like she has a very personal idea of what could be worn in public ^^ But she's right : rope bondage is a big friendship bracelet ! XD

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW #doggirl Lilith keeps trying to make everyone's stay at the tropical resort unforgettable :D (I may have a little "Lilith at the beach" phase right now XD)

お疲れさまですお昼です こちら全体図になりますー

Doodle of the day: Jadielle

Long time no see. I was taking a break from posting because I was sick and my mental health was deteriorating. The illustration I drew for the first time in a long time became an illustration that I myself could not understand. 😅 There is a high probability of low-altitude flight for a while. 😴

こんにちは。10日ぶりです。 今日(2月2日)は節分。いつもの2月3日とは違うので間違えそうですよね(笑) 現在利き手の左手の負傷により、新作イラストが作成できないので、去年の節分の日に描いたイラストを投稿しますね。(BluSkyでは初出です) 節分といえば豆まきですね。うさぎさんが豆投げ役でやよいちゃんが鬼役で豆まきをしています。 うさぎさんのやけくそ気味の豆連続砲火でやよいちゃんは逃げるので精一杯のようです。 やよいちゃんは、定番の鬼のお面とトラジマビキニ・・・と行きたいところですが、今回はビキニは取っちゃいました(笑) 全裸だと、直に豆が当たって痛そう。😅

Doodle of the day: Zara

Doodle of the day: Reb's big sister Anais.

A little doodle for today: Nil child version in serious style.

A little doodle today: Baboushka

[Doodle] #R18 #NSFW I just could resist the idea of drawing the cyberslut version of Hannah again :P #メカ堕ち #mechafall

こんばんは~🌙✨。月曜日の夜です。 明日はクリスマスイブですね~。でも私はまったく気にせずクリスマスとは全く関係ないイラスト投稿しま~す♪ 今日のイラストは、全裸娘の恭子ちゃん、みかんちゃん、しろちゃんです。 全裸で登校してきた3人が教室内ではしゃいでいるところです。うしろのクラスメイトが少しあきれ顔で見つめています😊。 勢いだけで描いているので、あまり深く考えないでくださいね(笑) #クリスマスに全く関係ない画像載せてTLを荒らす #オリジナルイラスト #オリジナルキャラクター #女の子イラスト #全裸

こんばんは~。火曜日の夜です。🌙✨ 今日はクリスマスイブなので、クリスマスっぽいイラストをもう一つ作成しました。こちらは全年齢向けバージョンです(笑) サンタコスの如月みなちゃんです。 こちらはちゃんとサンタ服を着ていますね♪ #オリジナルイラスト #オリジナルキャラクター #女の子イラスト

おはこんにちは〜。日曜日のお昼前です。 今年もあと3日となりましたね。昨日から9連休となる人も多いみたいですが、私は27日が休みで、28日、31日、4日がお仕事なので全然休みが続かず2連休、3連休、2連休です😅。 今日のイラストは、ニジガクのかすみんを描きました。栞子ちゃんに続いてのファンアートですが、マイペースで描いているので全然似ていません。雰囲気はでているかした?いつものことながら、うさぎさんが迷い込んでますね(笑) ちなみによその娘はちゃんと服を着せることにしています♪ #ファンアート #中須かすみ

おはようございます。大晦日の朝です。 今日でとうとう2024年も最終日ですね。あと少しで年が明けちゃいますね。 本日のイラストは恭子ちゃんとうさぎさん、野球拳おばけさんです。 3人そろって仲良く朝の歯磨きタイムです♪ #オリジナルイラスト #オリジナルキャラクター #女の子イラスト #全裸