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Artist / Japanese / Pursuing beautiful resonance / Descendant of Surrealists
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#Surrealism unfolds— a landscape where mistakes remain uncorrected, where impoverished thoughts crystallize into structure. Unclaimed by meaning, you dissolve into the white abyss, vanishing without direction. #Art #Artist

You spoke of abandoning your stance, of becoming the remedy to halt the bleeding at once. Feigning escape from the mundane, we strip each other of words that wound, clutching at them as if they were worth keeping, convincing ourselves it must be so. #Art #Surreal #Mixedmedia :Alive installation:

The boundaries of existence begin to melt, And crystals of meaning are born. It is also the moment when imagination Spreads its wings beyond the corporeal. You gather fragments of unknown truths Like a balloon rising From the depths of consciousness, Embracing the limits within reality. #Art

#Surrealism is your central life force, For your singular being pumps forth A peculiar worldview That transmutes reality itself. #Art #Artist #Contemporary #Abstract #Mixedmedia :::Alive installation:::

Is the light you see real light? Where does it shine? It sinks into the crystal lake and shakes the shadows of memories that spread like ripples. Whose light is it if there is no mirror to reflect it, is it just a void? But beyond where you look, the light reflects and hides something today #Art

Beyond where you gaze, the light reflects something and hides something today #Art #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract #Mixedmedia Alive installation

By reconstructing natural objects, I tried to bring out the incomplete mystery of everyday "stuff". This is not just a record of the natural world, but a poetic moment that exists on the border between the visible and invisible worlds. #Art #Artist #surrealism

My work explores the boundary between the transience and permanence of the natural world in #Surrealism. I took natural objects found in my garden and freed them from their materiality to depict a poetic dialogue between light and shadow. #Art #Contemporary #Abstract #Mixedmedia Alive installation

You usually divide your self into social roles and relationships with others. This can sometimes put you at risk of losing your sense of self and experiencing an identity crisis. It is a "mirror crisis. #Art #Artist #surrealism

If #surrealism has any redeeming qualities, the leap back to the "other side" in Magritte's "The False Mirror," for example, can be a means of preserving the self through paradoxical immersion in the unreal. #Art #Artist #Contemporary #Abstract #Mixedmedia :::Alive installation:::

"Memories Wavering at the Crossroads of Seasons" In the wavering transition where winter and spring intersect, the conscious and unconscious strive to gather new words. Like invisible pollen grains tossed by the wind, searching for a destination - lost in an ambiguous game. "I do not exist. #Art

交差に揺らぐ季節の記憶 #Surrealism whispers, "the fusion of the conscious and the unconscious. There is no definite existence, only the delicate tremors born of the changing seasons and the prelude to an inner awakening. #Art #Artist #Contemporary #Abstract #Mixedmedia Alive installation

#Surrealism In this space, the mirror is not merely a reflection device,But functions as a gateway to fluid, multidimensional reality. A door to the other shore. #Art #Artist

境界の透明性 This work explores the ambiguity between physical and spiritual boundaries.Where does "KUMO" (cloud) that covers the clouds emerge from? It expresses a dreamlike state drifting between reality and unreality. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract #Mixedmedia Alive installation

“February's Water Veins” Plants are silent in February Water remembers before it awakens A promise of budding will soon return Even the treetops, swaying in the cold wind, feel the pulse Silence is a sign of circulation #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

作品づくりとは 心の純度ある精製のようなもの かもしれん #アーティストライフ

SCHMINCKE HORADAM RANDOM GREY シュミンケホラダム透明水彩絵具のランダムグレー 日本限定カラー3度目の再販らしい ソフトパステルの製造過程において発生する削りカスなどの余剰を集めて再度製品化した、循環型のサステナブルな商品なんだって 様々な色の顔料がその名の通りランダムに混ざっているため、予期しない色が浮かんでくる、やさいいグレーの中にブルーを感じたりする なんかやさしい、おじさんぽい感じがしたので 描いてみました…

インスピレーションとセレンディピティは 創造的なプロセスにおいて 互いに強化し合う関係にあるのでしょう 意識的な探求と偶然の発見が組み合わさることで “とんでもないもの”、“とっぴょうしもないもの”が 生まれる可能性がある 両者の関係性をより深く理解し 美を受け入れる姿勢をより、透明で粘質なものに 変容させておくことが大事だと思うのです #アーティストライフ

今日は節分なので 恵方巻きのような特別な「どら焼き」をいただきました なんとも絶妙!なモチモチ感、香りも良し

共感覚の余白 柔らかな楕円は、循環する感覚の象徴。 完全な円にはならず、わずかに歪んだそのカタチは、シュルレアリズムが探求する無意識の可塑性と流動性を映し出す 透明な線が交錯し、途切れながらも繋がり続ける。 それは、テクノロジーと人間性と季節が交差する瞬間性において、あなたの知覚がいかに曖昧で、有機的で、定義を超えた存在であるかを暗示する 静謐な空間の中に浮かぶ繊細な構造。 感覚の融合とその隙間を描くもの。 完璧にはなり得ない不完全さこそが、美しさの本質であり、 進化する大いなるものの意識の余白なのだ #アーティストライフ

The delicate structures floating in the quiet space represent the merging of the senses and the gaps between them. Imperfection, which cannot be perfect, is the essence of beauty and the edge of evolving consciousness. #Art #Artist #Surrealism

Transparent lines intersect and connect as they are interrupted. It suggests how ambiguous, organic, and indefinable our perceptions are at the intersection of technology and humanity today. #Art #Artist #Surrealism

Boundaries of Synaesthesia The soft pink oval is a symbol of the circulating senses. Its shape, not a perfect circle but slightly distorted, reflects the plasticity and fluidity of the unconscious explored by Surrealism. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

The work captures fragments of memory that appear in the stillness of winter, moments when the flow of time seems to have stopped. The droplets of water that remain on the fabric are a reminder of the faint weight of time that has passed, remnants of its fleeting beauty. #Art #Artist #Surrealism

Silence, Traces and Memory Winter is often thought of as the season when life goes to sleep, but if you look closely, you will find powerful traces, surrealism, breathing there. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

ミルクレープを食べるとき 何層にも重なるクレープ生地とクリームやフルーツは ただの層ではなく 積み重ねられた時間そのもの それは、過去の出来事や経験 そしてその上に築かれた今を味わう感覚に 似ているのかもしれない 一層一層を飛びこえナイフをいれる瞬間 過ぎ去った時間を飛びこえ 今を生きている #CAKE #HARBS #アーティストライフ

Within these seemingly simple forms lies a complex and immeasurable relationship between nature and man. Through this work, I hope you will reflect on the connections you have unconsciously overlooked and the flow of time in circulation. #Art #Artist #Surrealism

Allegory of the linkage Surrealism symbolizes the circle of nature and its never-ending chain of deeply connected human activity, growth and evolution. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

Fetal forms, such as eggs and seeds, are representations that exist at the boundary between consciousness and unconsciousness. #Art #Artist #Surrealism

意識胎動 They hold the possibility of life in the material world and at the same time suggest a transformation in the depths of the psyche. Duality is what Surrealism has explored in the multilayered nature of reality. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

自然界における胎生的形態 - 卵や種子 - は、意識と無意識の境界に存在する象徴的表象である。それらは物質世界における生命の可能性を内包すると同時に、深層心理における変容への契機を示唆するのだ。 透明な球は意識体の膜であり、その内部に潜む生命力は、現実と超現実の境界を曖昧にする。繊細な糸状組織は意識の網目、その上に存在する胎生的形態は、理性を超えた生命の神秘を体現しているのだ。 この二重性 『物質としての存在と心理的風景の中の表象としての存在』 これこそが、シュールレアリスムが探求してきた 現実の多層性を示している。 #アーティストライフ

わたしが わたしであることを 願い あなたが あなたであることを 願う #アーティストライフ

Fallen leaves are devices of the earth. The intersection of the organic patterns of veins and the artificial lines of leaves dissolves boundaries. It suggests the intersection of the material and spiritual worlds and invites us to a new dialogue with the earth in winter. #Art #Artist #Surrealism

Winter Memory Device A leaf intertwined with mechanical elements serves as a device to communicate with the unconscious earth in winter. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

ヤフオクに出品中 ラスト一日ギリギリのご入札 本当にありがとうございます 古い道具ですが 大切に使っていただけると 嬉しいのです #アーティストライフ


♡ あなたを表現者として 認めます #アーティストライフ

O lights that shine in the deepest darkness! Beneath the surface of your consciousness lies an infinite potential that has yet to be seen. Hidden in its depths, desires, fears, and true values speak to you silently but surely. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :Alive installation:

At times they may flicker like an uncertain light and be difficult to grasp. But as you look and listen to the string of light, you will come into deeper contact with your true nature. :::Alive installation:::

最近、AIの対話能力が 格段に進化しているように感じるのですが…

禅の教え『不退転』の心 どんな困難や試練にも屈することなく 目標に向かって進む強い意志

"In this Ethereal Transit" You're a being of pure consciousness energy. You float between the realms of matter and spirit, much like this translucent leaf caught in eternal winter. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::

You are here, suspended in this vehicle of consciousness, precisely to experience beauty in its most transcendent form. Like this leaf - simultaneously decaying and eternally preserved - you exist in a surreal state of being and non-being, materiality and pure energy. How does it resonate with you?

Dreaming Tools - A Letter to Man Ray Inheriting the experimental spirit and poetic sensibility while exploring new surrealist possibilities in our digital age. #Art #Artist #Surrealism #Contemporary #Abstract :::Alive installation:::