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Author | KS4 Coordinator | Governor | Examiner | MA Teaching | @TLLeedsConf | @LitdriveUk RL | Learning Teaching Specialist for English | Lover of Brunches | Mum of 4 boys | Themed Party Planner by weekends | Chasing rainbows | Serial chai drinker ☕️
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Prolific Poster

A fabulous event where I shared the platform with other #inspiring authors who shared their writing journeys, motivations, tips on overcoming barriers, and wonderful insights from their books. I need all of these books on my shelf! #DiverseEd #WBD #authors

March is my favourite month too, for all of those reasons - and now this! An honour to be speaking about teacher’s guide for #AnitaandMe and sharing the platform with other inspiring #authors #DiverseEd #WBD

On "the motherhood penalty in action", Emma Sheppard of #MTPTproject writes for #DiverseEd:

🗓️ #LitdriveCPD25 🗓️ We are delighted to share that Natalie Sinclair will be speaking at our National Conference #LitdriveCPD25 in March! 🐝 Tickets here: #LitdriveCPD #TeamEnglish

🗓️ #LitdriveCPD25 🗓️ We are thrilled to share that Zoe Enser will be speaking at our National Conference #LitdriveCPD25 in March! 🐝 Tickets here: #LitdriveCPD #TeamEnglish

💫 Resource highlight 💫 KS3 Gothic: This set of 13 PowerPoints includes home learning tasks for independent work by students with various gothic resources. 🦇 Find it here:🐝 #Litdrive #TeamEnglish

💡What a thoroughly enjoyable day at TTR Connect. 💭 I learnt such an incredible amount, particularly interesting perspectives & ideas from Secondary English colleagues. Thank you to the TTR Team & for excellent #teamenglish hosting.

Pulling together the presentations for’s #TTRConnect event in Manchester tomorrow, and I can tell you that you’re in for an absolute treat! #inawe #EduSky #TeamEnglish

*** NEW POST *** Bringing about improvements in a school is not simple, but has some guiding principles that might help

🚨 NEW POST 🚨 ‘10 Wise Quotes on Teaching and Learning’

Three mini mock papers for GCSE English Language Paper 2 (AQA) 📰 🖊️

📖 Community Forum 📖 Out now: Check out our website for the slides from the second subject leader community forum held on 27 Jan and hosted by @Xris32 Find them here: #LitdriveCPD #TeamEnglish

Are you interested in finding out about new research & resources? Do you want to have your say in national issues, practical solutions, & testing out cutting-edge, new resources? The EEF Exchange might be for you! Find out more here:

Only 5 copies left - order today before they have to top back up!

Free book, anyone?

It was a pleasure to deliver a session on "Implementing CPD so it sticks" for alongside Great reflections and feedback from attendees, grappling with the knotty challenge of what effective and sustainable CPD looks like and how can we implement it.

NEW GUEST POST: "Finals Prep: Effective Studying Methods" #edusky #academicsky

This is what being #10percentBraver offers Women don’t need to be fixed, yet if we wait for a system reroute, our daughters! granddaughters will face similar barriers. Refuse to accept stereotypes, discrimination, poor treatment. 👿👿 Are you with us? Time to disrupt the stats quo.💜💜💜

**Speaker Announcement 2** Gracing the main stage at Teachers Talk Connect will be ! Saturday 1st March 2025 in Manchester, FREE tickets for teachers available here:

Speaker announcement 3 on the RS Strand! will be joining us in Manchester!

** Speaker Applications for Teachers Talk Connect are Open! ** We seek applicants from English, Maths, Science, MFL, History, Geography, RS and more! Details here...

Announcing! Our final main stage speaker is the incredible Vic Goddard! Join us in Manchester for Teachers Talk Connect, Free on Saturday 1st March 2025

Speaker Announcement in the RS Strand! Charlotte Newman will be talking about where to start with KS3 RS - Grab your free ticket here for 1st March in Manchester

RECAP - Speakers announced so far in the English strand at Teachers Talk Connect! Becky Wood, Stuart Pryke, Aimee Geraghty and Sam Dikckinson Tickets >>

Our three main stage speakers for TTR Connect are confirmed! Join us in Manchester on 1st March - for free! Ticket and info >>

**Announcing** Simone Lively will be presenting in the Science Strand at TTR Connect! We can't wait! Grab your tickets now >>

Some more speaker/host announcements today for Teachers Talk Connect! Tickets and Info:

** Announcing ** Our second speaker in the MFL strand at TTR Connect is Jonathan Mumford with a very intriguing topic for MFL teachers to engage with! Free tickets are going fast, secure yours here:

** Announcing ** Sara Shabir will be speaking in the Primary strand at Teachers Talk Connect on 1st March in Manchester! The primary strand will feature a range of amazing contributors from across the primary phases, grab a free ticket here and join us! >>

** Announcing ** Our third speaker at TTR Connect Science Strand on 1st March in Manchester is Lucy Wallis! Scientists - Grab your free ticket here:

** Announcing ** Speaker 5 in the English Strand at TTR Connect - Nick Lilley, English curriculum lead, will be joining us in Manchester on 1st March :)) Free Tickets:

Less than half of our speakers announced for TTR Connect and it's already looking like this.... don't miss out, this event is FREE and face to face in Manchester on Saturday 1st March, tickets here:

** Announcing ** Laura Spargo will be hosting a session around responsive teaching and the writing cycle at TTR Connect! Free tickets here:

** Announcing ** 'Oracy, AI and the English Classroom!' Kerry Kurczij will be presenting at Teachers Talk English as part of Teachers Talk Connect in Manchester on 1st March! Have you got tickets yet? Make sure you get one while stocks last! >>

** Announcing ** Dr Kathryn Madagan will be joining us in Manchester for TTR Connect Science! Tickets and info: Science strand hosted by

4 weeks to go! Ppl, make sure you secure your free ticket to Teachers Talk Connect - 1st March 2025 in Manchester - Our biggest free event ever! Info and tickets:

** Announcing ** Silvia Bastow will be joining us once again in Manchester for TTR Connect in the MFL Strand! She will be talking about boosting speaking skills and spontaneity in MFL. Get your free ticket here:

I’ve had the delight of hearing speak and can promise she’ll leave you wanting more. Seats are going fast! Have you booked yours yet? #edusky #teamenglish #ukEd #freeCPD

** Announcing ** Luke Hashman will be joining us on the MFL strand in Manchester with a very intruiging session! Info and free teacher tickets here:

** Announcing ** Matt Pitcher will be presenting a session at TTR Connect as part of the RS Strand! His talk will be on Religious Education and the Climate Crisis. Get your free teacher ticket here:

Really excited to be hosting the Maths strand at Connect event in Manchester on 1st March. The lineup is looking SO good! You can join us by getting a FREE ticket or submitting a proposal to speak here:

** Announcing ** Another fantastic speaker on the TTR History Strand at TTR Connect - Kaye Jones, 'The Herstorian' herself, will be talking to us in Manchester on 1st March! "How to authentically teach women's history", Get your free ticket now >>

**Announcing** Huma Mirza will be joining us in the Primary strand at TTR Connect to share on enhancing boys writing in English! tickets and info:

** Announcing ** Florence Pope will be joining us in Manchester on 1st March in the English Strand to talk about putting discussion and discourse at the centre of a literature curriculum! Free tickets:

Not one to miss! Have you saved yourself a seat yet? It’s free! #edutwitter

💭 I can't wait to share my thoughts at the *free* Teachers Talk Connect conference. 💬 So many exciting voices speaking about such a wide range of topics across subject-specific strands. 💡I'm excited to share my thoughts as well as learn from others. 🎫 Sign-up below:

Kerry is an absolute legend- you don’t want to miss this! #teamenglish

Recap! One of our main stage speakers at TTR Connect will be the brilliant Vic Goddard, he will be joining 50+ other speakers all gathering in Manchester on 1st March for our biggest free event ever! Tickets and info here: