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also my favorite dragon they’re just cool little guys

good morning! the sun is up!!!

still waiting on a queens blood app square enix where ya at

thinking about tgs 2007 bumpytrot 2 trailer :(

binged dandadan today and wtf kinda cliffhanger ass last episode was that??? JULY??? 🙄🙄🙄

why do annapantsu’s covers for epic always leave me sobbing in my car in random parking lots (they’re great she’s great)

I like doing these every so often and comparing to older ones because there’s always recency bias based on what teams I’ve ran in the latest games. Shoutout to Hibiscus the Houndoom 😭 she’s my scarlet baby

good afternoon im once again crying about no final fantasy xiii trilogy ports for modern consoles

Without downloading any new pics, what’s your energy going into 2025?

i shelled out a good chunk of change for a new PC weeks ago—and it has been sitting in my office untouched since it arrived because in order to use it i would have to bite the bullet and organize and i just haven’t had it in me and idk when i will what a waste

just another night wishing i could play final fantasy xiii-2 on ps5 😠

If people don't like a game, I don't understand why they constantly talk about it? When I don't like something, I put my effort in avoiding it instead of engaging with it. Makes me wonder if these people have no personality outside of what they hate.

every time i see an image or a gif or a video of haruhi suzumiya my fight or flight is triggered because all i can remember is trying to watch the anime in 300 parts on youtube on our slow af shared family computer and then getting backhanded with the endless eight episodes

man i just want a console rerelease of final fantasy xiii’s trilogy :(

It’s still a sin that Final Fantasy XIII hasn’t been put on the PS5 😤 OKAMI OKAMI OKAMI

tekken i will never understand your clive pick when tifa is right there

literally crying screaming throwing up at the reveal tease for gen design’s next game this is all i’ve wanted 😭

Final Fantasy X I will never ever ever stop crying about how godawful they butchered the character models for the remaster.

Final Fantasy fans! What are your top 10? Mine, counting spinoffs and the like: 1. X 2. XIII-2 3. X-2 4. Rebirth 5. Dissidia 012 6. XIII 7. VII 8. Remake 9. XII 10. IX

Got to see the ffvii rebirth concert in atlanta tonight 🙂

Gaming Challenge Day 30 - Favorite Game Per System Limiting to owned PS1 - Spyro Ripto’s Rage PS2- Final Fantasy X PS3 - Final Fantasy XIII-2 PS4- Horizon Zero Dawn PS5 - Final Fantasy Rebirth GBC - Pokémon Silver GBA - Pkmn Sapphire NDS - Pkmn SoulSilver 3DS - Pkmn Moon Switch - Pkmn Scarlet

Gaming Challenge Day 29 - Most Anticipated Everything I’m hoping for hasn’t been announced 🤡 I’m ready for another Fumito Ueda game that is supposedly in the works.

Gaming Challenge Day 28 - Favorite Genre RPG RPG RPG I eat stories and characters up please they’re over half the reason I even play video games.

Gaming Challenge Day 27 - Favorite Series Exclusive Species Chao from Sonic The Hedgehog series Oh these sweet little angels I could toss them around the gardens for hours. Sega my life for a mobile Chao Garden please just let me give you my money I won’t even cry about it.

Gaming Challenge Day 26 - Favorite Series As I’m sure it comes to no surprise, my favorite series overall is Pokémon. It’s a jrpg for babies built around crafting the perfect little team of friends. They’re not all created equal but I can genuinely say the hook is way too deep for me to drop.

Shadow of the Colossus (2018) is $9.99 on US PSN physical $21.40 US Dollars at VGP also on PS+ Extra

Gaming Challenge Day 25 - Favorite Supporting/Side Character I had to process of elimination this Agro The only companion you have in Shadow of the Colossus and really the only one you need. Not only is she essential mechanically for the player but also emotionally for Wander. Best horse!

Gaming Challenge Day 24 - Best OST Final Fantasy X I love and enjoy every song in the OST. EVERY SINGLE ONE. “Besaid”s theme is one of my favorite pieces of music and I can literally listen to it for hours. I’d be a heathen if I didn’t emphasize the death grip “Wandering” has on my brain.

Gaming Challenge Day 23 - First Preorder Final Fantasy XII I was so hyped for XII after playing through other previous FF’s I even got the steel book and guide book— Gamestop got their money out of me man

Gaming Challenge Day 22 - Favorite In-Game Quote “You’re my people.” The Last of Us Part II This was my turning point for Abby. I love her and Lev so much I want them happy 😭

Combining cuz I missed yesterday Gaming Challenge Day 20 - Easiest Final Boss Fight FFX’s Yu Yevon Day 21 - Best Character Customization I don’t play a lot of games with char. creation so I’m very glad that Pokemon started to allow it and has continued with it. Even if ScarVio’s was weak :(

Gaming Challenge Day 19 - Favorite Game Mechanic Agro’s controls in Shadow of the Colossus I love hearing babies cry about how sometimes the horse doesn’t do what you tell her to but she was designed that way 💁 Just get good son she’s part of the puzzle.

one of my favorite box arts is the japanese cover for bumpy trot / steambot chronicles the chokehold this game had on me as a kid forever sad about the cancelled sequel :(

Gaming Challenge Day 18 - Worst Mini Game Kingdom Hearts 1 Gummi ship levels 🤢🤢 They’ve only improved as the series went on but they’re still not enjoyable by any means