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to the French who parked a nuclear sub in Halifax bay... DO IT!!! DO IT YOU FUCKERS!!!! I JUST WANT THE SWEET RELEIFE OF DEATH!!!!!!!!

for anyone brave enough to confront trump voters, confused about his demolishing the federal government, tell them this, he has investments in China that climb higher the more america falls making him millions, he wasn't running for president he was running to make the largest buck anyone ever made.

the only reason trumps sinking the economy is because he has assets on China and Russia that, if they became the #1 traders in the world, would cause him to make shit tons of cash.

the fact that people think trumps tariff are stupidity proves you're missing the point. He's deliberately sinking American trade so Russia, Korea, and China can have an edge in a war since their dollar won't be so steep. its all to kill the EU.

"if you kill, you're exactly like them!!" is the biggest lie politicians ever told. sure, i killed, AND... I did it to win, but you know what the difference was? after I killed someone, I didn't go looking for another to kill like a fanatic. I just killed more fanatics.

to those asking. the reason the dems aren't speaking out is because when they did, it failed. Now that trumpists are in danger and watching their lives fall apart, the best thing to do is stay silent, so these people will feel the weight of their choices leave them behind.

the alarmists fucked up, by claiming fascism was racist, rather than a prop, you exclaim racism, they exclaim weakness, but your both to busy with eachother to realize the people whom started this mess are riding away with your cash THAT'S fascism it's not about strength, race, purity, or borders.

sorry if this pic makes you panic, but I thought I'd weigh in on something that's bothered me since it happened, since it was my older brother whom passed away and yet his words still ring in my head, not last words but sometime before he passed words, and it was a warning