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You've probably never heard of me, and that's probably a good thing. Otherwise, anything you have heard of me is 100% all lies. "It's only wrong when zhaarteth says/does it" is the motto of the world.
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I used to be impressed at how easy it is for women to lie about their behaviour and absolve themselves of any and all wrongs. Now I'm just bored. Yawn.

What is said: "Why do you care so much about what others think?" What is meant: "Why should there be any negative consequences to my scummy words/behaviour towards you?" I'm not saying it was kobolds, but it may have been kobolds.

If white chocolate was invented in the 2020s, it'd be called "Beyond Chocolate."

The ONLY problem in the world that actually matters is that everyone is obsessed with behaving in a way that earns harm yet simultaneously *constantly* proclaiming they do not deserve that harm. EVERYONE. Solve that and we have world peace.

You don't get to take credit for making people happy if you also believe "nobody can be upset without giving permission to those that upset them." Pick a lane, psycho.

If everyone you deliberately piss off has "anger issues," you're the problem.

If life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it... then why do we have prisons? Or a so-called "Justice" System? Why would anyone have to face consequences for wrongdoing if your reaction to any & all wrongdoings made against you ultimately justify those wrongs? Nonsense.

No, I have no desire to play every Call of Grand Theft Super Earth Legends game. I'll stick to my No X Strange Silica Ravager Light World games that "nobody is playing," thanks.

I need to stop browsing the "Discover" feed. All I keep seeing are mentally unstable egotists who can't process the simple reality that people have the right to disagree with them without being called stupid, evil, insane, etc.

Casual reminder that complaining about other people's complaining... is still complaining. Doesn't matter how you dress it up. You're no better. Worse, if anything. Take you're own advice: Quitchyerbitchin.

Everyone: "Don't let it bother you." Also everyone: "Your behaviour is bothering me and you need to stop."

Those who decry "disinformation" the loudest are typically the ones spreading the most of it.

Toxic positivity is ostensible "positivity" concealing actual negativity. It is everywhere. Especially on antisocial media like this one.

Bluesky now has over 10 million users, and I was #2,756,291 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That was a nice little break from having to tolerate the constant begging for me to play Helldivers 2. Thanks, Sony. Whilst I'm glad they reversed the decision, I'm also annoyed that they did. Because now, people are going to start their BS again. It was nice while it lasted...

Gotta love how the Discover feed is filled with nothing but hate and vitriol. "Agree with our worldview or you're a fascist." ok fascists lol, lmao

Twitter meets Mastodon in the laggiest, buggiest, messiest, and likely least safe (for the likes of me) way possible. But at least it's not actually Mastodon. Only signed up to avert spoofing.