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Retired. Love books, natural and cultural wonders
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美国联邦法官判川普政府解雇联邦某些机构违法。执行是靠司法部下的联邦法警。司法部听令川普。总统令可以指示司法部拒绝执法。这就出了程序上的黑暗bug. 连执法都进行不下去,美国三权分立之定国基石何在?

Your Pain, not His!


Canada should grant permanent residence for US scientists, scholars and entrepreneurs who would like to move to Canada during Trump era. The talent pool will certainly benefit Canada tremendously.

Tech-Oligarchy could easily evolve into a tyranny-induced anarchy.

A view of Castillo de Santa Catalina (Cadiz). The castle had been used as a fortress and a military prison from 16th till 20th century.

Roman Theatre (Cádiz). Amazingly intact after ~ 2000 years.

福山说,良好的政治秩序有三要素:法治,民主问责加国家治理能力,缺一不可。他没有说三个因素有怎样的“度”与协作才是最优。如果社会大众对民主问责的理解完全同,如现今之美国,那这样的民主问责机制应该是失效。国家治理能力与专制还是民主政体无关。都应有不同政体下良好的国之治。福山的三因素有关现代国家的内部治理。在对外政策上,现代国家互相是不是只有采用丛林法则?有没有更好的建制能良好地内治国家,外谋人类和平?看了澳大利亚学者John Keane 的新作“中华之银河帝国”。虽然不同意他所有的观点。但中国这半世纪的崛起与西方政治上出现的问题,让人摒弃过时的观点,重新审视什么是对内对外的良好政治生态。推荐阅读。



Urbanization and education appears to polarize the society more, rather than inducing harmony of the society. The ultimate goal for any political strategy is to avoid or not to provoke anarchy.



On the two biggest issues in the world (global warming and the threat of nuclear weapons), the vast majority of earthlings are under the "autocracy" of a few national leaders and have no say. We can only hope to live our best life in this world we love. For now, read more and watch less US news.

This copper alloy arm purse found in the #Roman settlement of Nida (Frankfurt-Heddernheim) was used as a secure method to carry coins. To spend the money, the purse had to be removed from the arm. On display at Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt 🏺 AncientBluesky #archaeology

“Power always thinks it has a great Soul, and vast Views, beyond the Comprehension of the Weak; and that it is doing God Service when it is violating all His laws”. -John Adams Noam Chomsky put this quote in the front page of his book “The Myth of American Idealism”. My 50th book of 2024.

Across all age groups, a dose-response of physical activity association with reduced all-cause mortality in >2 million individuals with 11-year follow-up

公元前1300年前东天山地区,包括新疆北部、中亚北部的很大区域,很可能是欧亚大陆最早产生游牧经济的地方之一。这比里海边的Yamnaya 游牧文化(起于公元前3300年)晚得多。中亚的Botai 文化(公元前3700年)首先驯化出家马。但他们不是游牧,是定居的畜牧文化。游牧文化的初朝是半农半畜牧,也算人类适应地理与气候发展出的生活方式。


Delighted to read on Sea Silk. It comes from the anchoring hairs of Shells (Pinnacle Nobilis). Those shells are largely from the Mediterranean water. They are precious and rare golden fabrics with ~2000 years of history. Photos were from the website of Nature History Museum of Basel.


Technology sophistication is becoming another mean to destruct the free society, in addition to pandemics, wars, and climate extremes. 技术成了除瘟疫,战争, 极端气候之外崩坍自由社会的另一因素

From AI.