Newcomers might not know that I'm a gardener, but I am & it's going to dominate this feed for several months.
I wrote NOTES to myself last year. For your #gardening edification, here they are: 🧵 🌱
I wrote NOTES to myself last year. For your #gardening edification, here they are: 🧵 🌱
• Start your seeds in Miracle Gro potting soil.
• Other than obviously cool-weather crops, probably don’t start any seeds before April 1. Seriously.
• Remember all your plants that are there to be propagated. They’re marked with stakes.
(note: have since decided to chuck most peonies)
(note: iris in serious danger, very prejudiced against it)
• Pumpkins, beans, and zinnias need heat to germinate. Don’t even bother until it’s warm.
• Start tomatoes from seed then GIVE THEM TO HUS-TREE.