I've seen stupid memes from Musk and they're all way up there as far as absurdity ..but this one is at the top. Even if believers in climate change were somehow disingenuous in their aims, in what way does it redound to communism?
Either Elmo has spiraled down insanity of the K hole, or he promotes reich-wing fascist politics because he wants tax breaks for billionaires, or both.
He reminds me a lot of that Whole Foods CEO who ended up being some right wing weirdo but at least that guy wasn't going around calling people pussies for buying organic produce.
The Whole Foods ceo was arguing that it was fine to fly in organic produce from South America to his stores because eating organic was more important than carbon concerns. It at least was about defending his core business.
Like the Annoying Orange, he's spent years curating his self image to the point uninformed people believe he's a genius and literally Tony Stark Ironman.
Doesn't help that the media spent years sucking off his ego too.
Which is why he announced a pivot to AI on the last earnings call. He had every advantage on EVs and blew it, so now he's chasing the next bubble like he did with crypto and NFTs.
He's largely a creature of pure reaction. This is probably a subtweet about someone pointing out that lithium mining has its own environmental issues or something.
Hes not 100% wrong. Many people of privilege often exploit topical discussions in order to inject their own unpopular opinions. Look at how feminism isno longer about women but rather about lgbtq rights or racial rights or class warfare. It's why it's hard to support feminism cause it's not that
Whoever made the meme must have thought they had to rush this apotheosis of wit to the public tout de suite and thus couldn’t be bothered to enlarge the size of the superimposed head in the first panel about 5% to cover the wild strands of Medusa hair that are shooting out like a frizzled aura.
He's so immature, I can't believe people still follow him. And good to know that the ogliarchy made socialism look so good they have to pull out communism as the new evil. 🙄
I see many many Teslas every day. I can't assume anything about the drivers. With the resale value dropping like a rock, I'd even tell people who have a place to charge, to consider them.
I don't think it's any secret that Musk's vision for the future has always been, "We're GOING to wreck the planet, but me and my buddies will still have vehicles and amenities we can run on private infrastructure, and our descendants will simply leave this smoldering husk behind for Mars."
Next you will be telling me that the Cubans who lost their slave plantations to Castro are also right wing nut bags!
Come on man Jeff Bezos and Musk are just regular old libs
More stupidity from a MAGA loyalist.
see https://www.context.news/big-tech/opinion/what-happened-when-elon-musk-turned-me-into-a-meme
Doesn't help that the media spent years sucking off his ego too.
You're really bad at this
Lords of
that's why commie beta soy children hate us so much" 😂
Some genius.