Nancy Pelosi is an 84 year old who is worth $240 million dollars. She didn't let falling down a marble staircase in Luxembourg get in the way of working to block a 35 year old working class Latina woman from becoming a committee chair.
This is why we're fucked.
This is why we're fucked.
We need more like her and less 80+ "leaders."
Pelosi, Schumer, Hoyer and Nadler need to retire.
Federal employees need to retire at 70.
Publicly funded elections.
No dark bribery $.
Oligarchs are taking over.
Us old guys had our chance and we fucked up royally😢.
And the democrats could EASILY enforce their own term limits. They choose not to. Screw them. They do what they want.
And I’m not justifying Trump with any of this. But the party needs a rebuild regardless. If not now, when?
Biden adopted quite a few of his policies and put him in charge and the votes simply weren't there.