Yes, there are blood vessels in the "velvet" which is the short fur that covers the antlers. When it's time to shed their velvet, the blood vessels are basically shut off, but the residual blood in the velvet makes for a gory sight.
Saw this while living in the north of Sweden a couple of years ago. Heard some reindeers walking outside of the hut I was living in, looked out only to have a bloody antler right outside my window. Was kind of creepy when you weren’t expecting it haha
That bloody spot on his left antler came from a tourist with a zoom camera that decided he needed to get up close so his buddy could take the shot to post online. (rolling eyes emoji)
I got to let one of these magnificent creatures eat out of my hand (reaching through a fence, offering the proper kibble) at a sanctuary near Zion National Park.
It's the velvet from the antlers. When they grow in every year, the velvet is full of blood vessels to feed the antlers' growth. Once they've grown in and harden, the bucks will rub the dead velvet off via tree trunks and such. It's super neat!
Side note: I will never understand the sick mentality of anyone who could see an animal like that & want to kill it.
(This is a sarcastic post, for posterity)
. . . all for sex. Then it suddenly doesn't seem like any burden in the least.
Red velvet in that old northern style.
Big ole' antlers that'll bring you to your knees.
Don't mess with the stag please.
Thanks for sharing the 411!
Even his antlers are a"peeling"!