If it isnt clear to anyone, they’ve abandoned the constitution. The executive and legislative branches have been seized by fascists, so the judicial is the only check left. Yes, everyone should be protesting, but they should also be preparing. They’re coming for the 1st now… the 2nd is next.
Yet, he continues to get away with it with no consequences. Do we have laws or are they just a nice idea we like to discuss to make ourselves feel better?
Someone occasionally reminds us that Hitler did it this fast. I've believed all the way back to Karl Rove that someone was consciously following that playbook. Trump doesn't read, so Bannon spoonfeeds him now.
There are lots of protests here, which not everyone internationally may realize. Media covers them poorly, if at all - and we're so spread out. So many protesting in Portland, in Chicago, in New York, and so on. They may in the aggregate equal Belgrade in the streets.
Well, that only applies if you pay attention to and respect the Constitution. These guys are not paying any attention to it at all. He told us all that he feels the Constitution should be removed. Well, he wasn’t joking.
Why is no one enforcing the law? Why aren't we all in the streets right now making our supposed system of justice enforce the laws? If 50 million of us walked off our jobs, stopped buying anything and protested, we would enact change in a week
Cause the piece of shit and the rest of the corrupt GOP have put in similarly corrupt judges at different levels. But there are still those that follow the constitution and block or reverse illegal orders
Paging Merrick Garland
Please report to the ethics commission for an important message
and just like most every other time, he will get away with it..
He’ll for any challenges up in court - he knows the delay game courtesy of Cohn- master fixer & bigot.