F’ing Murders, waiting to happen !!! This Is sadistic as hell America !!!
You cannot have Very Selfish, Sadistic Monsters in ALL LEADING POSITIONS OF POWER IN THIS COUNTRY !!!
They do hate women. That’s why they want to make sure we have no power and have to stay in our place!
It wasn’t very long age when it was legal to beat your wife or girlfriend.
Watch an old sitcom where the husband puts his wife over his knee and spanks her! Haha right?
So the 300 million time Convicted Felon/Sexual Abuser, so sorry was using Lying Trump numbers said: He will protect you whether you like it or not, sounds like a Predator To Me. I will always have your back, Stand in Solidarity and Rejoice at Your Intellect unlike the Predator in Chief
You cannot have Very Selfish, Sadistic Monsters in ALL LEADING POSITIONS OF POWER IN THIS COUNTRY !!!
It wasn’t very long age when it was legal to beat your wife or girlfriend.
Watch an old sitcom where the husband puts his wife over his knee and spanks her! Haha right?