I know! Shut off Joe and Mika the minutes I saw them bending the knee and never watched since however I turn on Joy each night…something is not adding up
The Morning Butt Kissers get to stay but Joy Reid, an intelligent, truthful, defender of democracy gets thrown out.
@msnbc.com YOU are part of the problem!
That absolutely is a travesty, Joy had a better more interesting and informative show than the three boobs in the morning maybe management needs to step away like Andrea Mitchell
@msnbc.com that’s part of the reason I don’t watch msnbc anymore. Joe and mika can kick rocks. I used to love rachel and nicole, but they really went after Joe Biden. I cannot forgive them for that, cause look wtf we ended up with. Lawrence was the only one that stayed true. I watch him💙
An opinion piece from an Entertainment publication. 😏 Well, nobody said Joy was perfect.and if she has bigoted views then she needs to admit it and do better..but if you're looking for hypocrisy ...Joe and Mika are your people.
@morningjoe-msnbc.bsky.social and meek Mika are the reason viewers are not returning to @msnbc.com. @joyannreid.bsky.social canceled is the nail in the coffin! For God’s sake, get rid of those dopey morning dunces!
Those two are the reason I'm no longer watching MSNBC at all. Since November 6th, when Joe did his 180. Melber is another one that can go. And now with this...I'll probably never watch them again.
Ayman Moyheldin's show has been cut, Joy Reid is fired, and Lester Holt is leaving. Seems to me there's a disturbing pattern here, one to appease Trump.
I hope they know that this will also show a huge chunk of their viewers the door as well. Tonight will be the last night that network is on in my house.
Capehart, Phang, & Mohyeldin "are losing their eponymous weekend shows. Capehart and Mohyeldin will instead be one of multiple hosts of separate editions of The Weekend at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., respectively, while Phang will remain with the network as a legal correspondent with no anchor slot."
They staked their audience on people to the left of Orangetilla the Dumb and gave them a bunch of washed up Republicans. Now that they have no goodwill among anyone, they have decided to steer right into a crowded market niche.
@msnbc.com is not our friend. They are complicit in the ongoing undermining of US democracy - imho.
Get rid of Mika and Joe, the ass kisses of TURD brain. We need Joy Reid
Go on, fill in the word on why she was let go.
You’re now officially just nazi propaganda and worthless.
@msnbc.com YOU are part of the problem!
I get most of my news from the BBC.
I wouldn’t miss them.
and Laurence now. All I will watch.
They truly are over.
The newbie is more to the right of things
Believe them