I liked your post but object to the term pussying out which implies a feminine weakness. It has been my experience that women are not weak because we can’t afford to be. I think the more apropos term for Mr. Rogan would be his balls have shriveled.
I mean the word pussy is short for the word Pusillanimous (to be cowardly) which has nothing to do with vaginas or women. As to why the term pussy also later became a slang term for womens vaginas I have no idea actually.
I think when somebody says don’t be a pussy they’re not talking about a feline. It is a pejorative used in relation to women. You remember what the convicted felon rapist ex-president now soon to be president again said about grabbing women by the pussy, right?
I agree. UK uses the term about avoiding conflict and without connection to women. I think it might be related to the idea of pussyfooting around to avoid disturbances. It's definitely cat-related.
Different in the US. Pussyfooting around is cat related. But saying don’t be a pussy here means don’t be weak, and in that context the word pussy is associated with women. No one is telling a man not to be a cat.
Been saying this for years! Converted my husband to saying pansy or weak ass tittie baby. The pussy is the only reason humans/men exist through women’s strength to give birth!
I understand your reasoning but please stay calm when someone talks some colloquial slang to frame something.
We all know that most women have more balls than most of us men. :-)
Sometimes, is seems like responses seem a bit like reflexively triggered, if certain comparisons with gender-affiliation are being used, which in turn sometimes triggers a (reflexive) response by myself (sometimes because of misunderstanding). ;-)
I agree with your opinion regarding Rogan, btw. :-)
Just so you know, I wasn’t triggered. I’m merely saw that and came up with an alternative that I thought best described Mr. Rogan’s response to a challenge.
💯 The uterus is the strongest organ/muscle in the body, which cis men have never possessed. So to continue the theme, if they shriveled and disappeared...🤔 did he 'scrotum up'? We def need new terminology! 💙🧢🦋
Haha yes! I'm glad to see more people coming around to the idea that (at minimum) women are strong too. Misogyny has no place here. We don't need to "rule" over one another. Can't we all apply our strengths and work together?? Ffs
Not. Even. Close.
There. Fixed it for ya.😉
We all know that most women have more balls than most of us men. :-)
I agree with your opinion regarding Rogan, btw. :-)