Rupp, Cincinatti 03, and PNC 00 were in the mix for me as well as 12/29/95 which is a monster but probably shouldn't be in the conversation because it's a totally different animal
IMHO Rushmore picks are the most important versions, not the overall best. Aka Murat needs to be on it but arguably not the best. Riverport checks both boxes.
anyone with only four favorite gins sucks at phish and anyone with only one favorite gin sucks at phish so greatly their ignorant opinions must be disregarded with the most extreme prejudice If the goal of the Mt. Rushmore is to show the most important in history, I think you need to add Murat for sure. Then Went and Rupp—even if neither of them make my top 5 favorite versions. Will also accept arguments for Magna.
You hit my choices - Went, Murat, Riverport, and Magna. I have attendance bias on Went and my first show was Rupp which was hard for me to leave off, it was #5 for me. Another honorable mention is 2/28/03.
I would go Murat, Rupp, Riverport, Magna. Went was great & all, but it isn't in the very elite tier on quality & its influence has largely been a retrospective creation, rather than a true turning point at the time.
2/28/03 would be a strong candidate if I was willing to consider things from 2.0.
It’s going to be the arguments for Gins outside Murat, Rupp, Went and Riverport that are most fun, the beautiful brain will have obscure picks, no doubt, and I’m here for it.
Yeah. I think our debate will always be on 1-2 versions. Like Murat is important, but not top 4 most important to me. Will be interesting. Magna has as much of an argument as Murat imo
Whoa there, partner. Magna is as important as Murat?? The Murat Gin was mentioned in countless interviews with at least Trey and Mike as a specific turning point in Phish history. It can be argued it is the single most important jam in Phish history - not just Gin. But easily the most important Gin.
I don’t disagree from that perspective. Listening to it this week, kind of reminded that it basically integrates other song approaches in the jam, which gives it a different feel for me
That’s my four
Winston Salem
Rupp, Cincinatti 03, and PNC 00 were in the mix for me as well as 12/29/95 which is a monster but probably shouldn't be in the conversation because it's a totally different animal
Murat broke the mold
Rupp blew my mind
Went meant bizness
Riverport does it all
Holmdel has my heart
Magna & Feb 2003 all toppest of shelves for 2.0 & beyond
There are so many tbh. It’s a great question.
Mt Rushmore:
the real gin 12/29/95
riverport gin 7/29/98
went gin 8/17/97
murat gin 8/13/93
runner up
winston salem 11/23/97
2/28/03 would be a strong candidate if I was willing to consider things from 2.0.