I will say it's very interesting coming back to Bald-Thrall. I love everything about this design except the fact he shaved his head and is missing his shoulders.
Meanwhile, present day Thrall everything is great except he ditched his chest plate and the colors are wrong.
Meanwhile, present day Thrall everything is great except he ditched his chest plate and the colors are wrong.
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While the more modern one it's just the color of the armor which I think is an easier fix.
Also must say, I do quite like the septum ring look he had back in WoD, so for me it's been a bummer they removed it.
Its the same colors, just less dark/contrasted to look good on a wider range of display set ups, and to avoid eye strain.
Maybe I just have game artist brainrot.
Doomplate previously was black and yellow. It's not blue and yellow which is indeed a downgrade.
They come so close with these being peak Thrall. I just wish they based it more off of the art. The concept art alone for these just slap so good!