Essentially: Shadowmoon Valley (AU) is my favorite zone in the entire game, the others also are really high up for me, aaaand I bear the curse of being the target audience for Garrisons
While the Dragon Isles & Khaz Algar have their pieces, KA feeling pretty OG Warcraft inspired - Mists had new stories to tell while executing on beautiful gear, consistent content, raids, a new class & race, it genuinely felt like a passion project.
i remember MoP being the first exposure i had to warcraft - i saw it on the shelves at best buy when i was 12 and thought it looked cool. was very glad to find out many years later when i finally played wow that i was right 🥹
Unfortunately I have very very little time to play nowadays so I feel weird about TWW. I love it, but I can't immerse myself so atst I feel like I just can't like it.
The very short campaign does hurt, I feel like I don't even know the zones. But, at least I was able to finish it. 🤷♂️ Side stories —
—would help a lot but I haven't had time to munch through them. Also there are so many regular quest markers I feel utterly lost what quest is what. The new quest marker system is nice, further improvements on that could help a lot.
Too soon for me to place TWW but as of right now? Maybe under Dragonflight or Cataclysm? Undermined might change my tune on it but it's really got me jaded right now sadly
may not play anymore but when Why Do We Fight pops on my playlist I get emotional as hell...
My favorite is WoD, but it's awfully close!
Also it made me really like Draenei
No I didn't make it out of BfA unscathed
It also doesn't feel annoying to replay.
The story, the zones/evironments in general, the music, dungeons, alt friendliness, raids, etc. etc. etc.
It was just so much fun.
Extremely close, mind (My actual favourite is War Within so far, it's surpassed Legion for me and knocked it down to 3rd)
The very short campaign does hurt, I feel like I don't even know the zones. But, at least I was able to finish it. 🤷♂️ Side stories —
As long as MoP is someone's 1,2, or 3 they're good.
If somebody says MoP is their least favorite expansion ever? War on sight
But I was so, so wrong.
I realized this years ago, and after Remix, it's solidly my 3rd favorite, behind only Wrath of the Lich King and Legion.
Shen-Zin-Su as a starting zone for Pandaren was just another icing on the cake, it felt magical to be on the back of this gigantic moving turtle haha