It does. But it’ll take a lot of accountability and objective viewing of yourself and knowing when to let things and people go before they get bad, no matter what or who it is
As you get older your priorities change
You wants, desires & need change
Wisdom comes
You think more before you react or speak
It gets easier to deal with ppl, politics, the good, the bad & the ugly
You'll come to appreciate the little things & be thankful for each day you wake up
I mean my 30s were pretty good without that. Although an increased acceptance that if I want something to happen, I have to make it happen was necessary.
This is also why I told her to not take advice from just anyone, because advising a little sister that it’s okay to do less to ultimately have less is crazy to me.
No shade, I’m sure your life is great. It’s simply important to inspire young ladies.
It does. Prioritize YOU. Align yourself with people who support, uplift & educate you, people you can laugh with. Be that for them, too. Establish & respect your own boundaries. 🫶🏾
Shit gets better when you learn to see who people are instead of what you want them to be. Shit gets even better when you understand yourself, know what you want and need from the relationships in your life, and then begin to look for people to fit those roles.
It does not.
Some things get better
Some things change
Some things no longer matter
Through it all - YOU change!
You wants, desires & need change
Wisdom comes
You think more before you react or speak
It gets easier to deal with ppl, politics, the good, the bad & the ugly
You'll come to appreciate the little things & be thankful for each day you wake up
Don’t be around envious people and don’t take advice from people not going in the same direction you are.
40s... mixed bag so far. Keeping me on my toes.
This is also why I told her to not take advice from just anyone, because advising a little sister that it’s okay to do less to ultimately have less is crazy to me.
No shade, I’m sure your life is great. It’s simply important to inspire young ladies.
Life is too hard for young people today, harder than I had it, and that's just not right.
Granted, I am a person that believes in self-discipline as a fundamental and I know a lot of people aren’t like that.
Ultimately, she’ll do what’s best for her. Good day.
Good day.
There's no magic formula. Wash yo ass, be smart with your money, and TALK TO SOMEBODY. The rest will work itself out.
It’s okay to get therapy, it’s okay to depend on friends and family
It’s okay to cut people off who squashing your fun
Yeah it fucking does. Keep grinding.