Between this and the multiple attempts at the orange one's life, I'm wondering what direction the gun control narrative is going to shift in the coming years.
If he had survived I would have wished for some cosmic irony surrounding his insurance claim, like “Sorry Boss, assassination attempts aren’t covered by your plan.”
Could’ve been worse for him. He could have survived just long enough to rack up an inescapable amount of medical debt and THEN died, as is the American way.
Who would have thought being at the helm of a system that not only bleeds people dry of money and enriches you unfairly through it, but callously refuses them a service that is often lifesaving would lead people to feel ill will towards you!🤷
Yeeeahhh ... let's say that UHC is responsible for half of the difference in medical care that its "customers" experience, relative to OECD countries. If that's the case, then UHC is responsible for around 30,000 deaths a year. If even 1% of that is the CEO's fault, he killed a person a day.
In 2018, United bought out the non-profit I had been getting insurance from (deregulation made it possible) and surprise surprise, my premiums shot way the fuck up
At some point the rich Americans in general will have to think about if shaping the country to be full of people who have very little to loose and easy access to guns is a good idea for them...
Statistics are screwed. Most unsolved crimes weren't done to the rich. They are done to people like you and me and why should they bother working hard for the powerless?
Watchlist me baby, I hope horrid things happen to every billionare, and their claims are denied to their faces, and they inevitably slip this coil due to such. They are scum, and deserve all the pain they've wrought a billionfold. All they will ever do is prey on the weak/poor. Stay afraid 1%.
I did a paper for my Masters degree on the creation of Medicare. Did you know that the original bill created in the 1960s was pretty much going to give us healthcare for all? And guess who lobbied and spooked all the Republican lawmakers about the supposed costs?
Nah. Dude was worth a bit over 42 million. Imagine that; having the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on your hands and you still have less net worth than the owner of tumblr.
I'm fine with being on a watchlist, because I'm actually kind of a creampuff. The more time and money they spend poking at my digital trail, the more the real heroes have space to work. With that in mind, bombs bombing pitchblende cheap fertilizer bulk purchase purple wire death terror murder boom.
But kinetic energy doesn't care about your bank account or your high society friends.
I meant the pew pew bits they pulled out of the guy
The spent brass ejected from the assassin's weapon.
Small but important distinction.
Surprised it didn't happen sooner tbh.
Oh and when you win and get a payout the house then demands bigger bets without greater returns.
Huge scam which convinced us was real.
I know he can't take it with him. :)
Given this was planned, he probably already has left.
Statistically speaking, the police have a coin flip chance of solving a murder. And I doubt many common folk are lining up to help in this case.
Good chance he gets away.
Rip to my mans tho
"It's been a pretty swell day." Let's say that.
Specifically cuz I got chips and queso from a local restaurant, and for no other reason.
Oh hi private health insurance 🫤