to say he was caught off guard would be a massive understatement. the blow connected and while for every other monster the hero faced it would kill them on impact.
however for the beast it would whip his head back, loosening one of his bottom fangs ... but he felt
however for the beast it would whip his head back, loosening one of his bottom fangs ... but he felt
Reposted from
Rolling his eyes, he took the invitation in stride. This was more than likely going to be just like every other fight.
The first punch was thrown, as routine as one would sneeze, the overwhelming power in even his most casual blow manifesting as possible instant death.
The first punch was thrown, as routine as one would sneeze, the overwhelming power in even his most casual blow manifesting as possible instant death.
something else, a stain... rolling down his fur. placing his finger on the stain as he looked back at the caped badly with a hint of shock he brought it up to his eyes...
is that... blood? oh... perhaps he underestimate this one. a mistake he won't make again.
" so... that's what my own blood tastes like? its... been so long since i tasted its sweetness...
you are a different kind of hero aren't you? what is your name ? "
a wide smile, fangs on full display as a growl came from him. he intends to attack after.