NEWS --> Sen Sheldon Whitehouse tells me Dems are likely to investigate revelations about Trump soliciting $1 billion from Big Oil execs while corruptly vowing to fulfill their biggest policy demands.
This would be via the Budget Committee. 1/
This would be via the Budget Committee. 1/
It’s all about finding something that sort of gets through, but Congressional hearings? Ugh
the billionaires writing that part of the speech for Trump.
For sure
The gamble in the backroom over the green felted table isn't over: all the players are still free & frolicking around.
Please don't oversleep the gamble over your justices,judges & politicians going on there.
They bragged about it in 2017:
I mean, isn't his job description: "make decisions"?
We can't let these guys ruin it for everyone.
don't let them gamble on your politicians nor justices
Weil er ein verwöhntes, gelangweiltes , mediokres Aloch ist, seit eh und je?
Und sich nur mit solchen umgibt?
This would be extension of Budget Committee hearings into oil industry. 2/
I interviewed good government types who explained why this is so alarming and merits a Congressional investigation. See below. 3/