And this is really something: Internal testing showed that undecides didn't hold Trump responsible for Dobbs. They thought he wasn't adamantly anti-choice.
Perversely, this was because some thought he lacked core principles, which he got rewarded for!
Perversely, this was because some thought he lacked core principles, which he got rewarded for!
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Yesterday a GOP strategist on NPR said she asked focus groups "is Trump an authoritarian?" & the most common answer by far was "What's an "authoritarian?" "
Trump wins by understanding at what a basic level he can con people.
Nope. There's a reason he doesn't get into the weeds at *all*. All that word salad we scoff at, ppl just think looks "confident".
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
I suspect there's a decent chance he has paid for an abortion of someone he got pregnant, or at least encouraged it. Laws apply to other people, not him.
It’s a straight line.
He's obviously to blame for Dobbs, but *he* clearly doesn't care about it ideologically. Even his owned canned answer is "we gave it back to the states"; he doesn't GAF one way or another.
A big part of this, however, is that Trump was allowed to rehabilitate himself and his first term relatively unchallenged by the media.
Billionaire owned media has proven itself NOT to be trusted.
Giving truth and lies the same 'value'.
It's a disgrace.
Local media was different. No billionaires
Like I get the argument that it's the campaign's job to figure this out, but...
And I guess my burning question is, are we going to see any interviews of Clinton or Biden voters that refused to show up? Do we know that their absence was for the same reasons?
1. White voters continues to be racist. 60 yrs of POTUS and never breaking 48% (Carter in ‘76)
2. Sexist male electorate. Women Senators are relatively novel.
3. Ds focused on healing and bipartisanship vs prosecuting.
4. Ds took all the Covid blame.
Ds could’ve been doing that with the Senate majority we gave them and instead they chose to do literally nothing.
The media, especially the big outlets, literally let this happen.
The current upswing from 38 to 43 started in June 2023 LONG before the Dem campaign began
But not putting Trump in irons at the end of the day Jan. 8th, 2021 (I give two-ish days to internalize what happened) was the fuck up of the century and I don't want to hear about "norms" or whatever.
We incarcerate people for far less here in America.
Also, we are well and truly boned.
This was a coup, though. I'm certain.
"The Democratic brand is garbage" because "the right-wing media sets the news agenda"
"In MO, voters passed pro-abortion rights initiative and raised the minimum wage. Dem positions. But ... Hawley beat Kunce by 18 points."