Cuban must realize what the American workforce will look like after FOTUS eliminates the Dept of Ed and at the same time cancels K-1B visas. There are only so many jobs in fast food to go around
I understand Mark's point in theory, but Mina expreses what I've witnessed. AI should be a tool for learning, not an excuse to not think. The loss of critical thinking skills is a problem that needs to be addressed while utilizing the positives of AI access.
This is the fork in the road and the answers is “both”. If … if the policy and governance is created w/o corruption, you 100% can do both. Those privileged or able to have been educated can level up with AI prompts. Those same prompts can be taught to support a more efficient education system.
Exactly. AI should be a supplement to, not a replacement for, critical thinking. Don't we need people to question AI and not just take every output it gives us as face value?
Yes, actual access to quality education of the masses is a 💯 must. AI will give you tools and solutions to solve in in the current “game” but without critical thinking skills and knowledge building foundations we are all eventually lost or worse “plugged-in” to the matrix
He’s so fascinated by the technology and the science. Fine. But the easy solution to helping those who don’t have access to education is… get them access to education. We got this far without AI and AI only goes as far as we do
It would be great in theory, but in the meantime what happens to the people who never had access to such an education and for whom it's not practical to go back to school?
When I was growing up, I got an Encyclopedia Britannica and every year I bought a World Almanac and a Sports one. People were impressed I knew so many facts. After Google came out, people were like "so what I could have Googled it to". It cheapened it because knowledge wasn't assumed to be earned
I had the same experience! I use to watch World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. I was looked down upon and was thought as weird. I was so much better informed back then than I am now it so surreal.
We can do both surely. As Mark notes, AIs are utilities, just as a library of books is a utility. In many jobs a book on a topic can get you very far even if you start with little or no knowledge of a topic. An AI can help an individual take this a step further.
There is also a difference between a motivated self-learner and a lazy person who just doesn’t want to engage in social, collaborative learning environments so they simply SAY “I learn better on my own. Screw classes.” I’ve seen both in my work so I know both exist.
AI is actual education now. Take a Coursera or EdX online class and use AI whenever you are stuck, and the way it can fill in the gaps in equivalent to a very good personal tutor that's always at your fingertips.
So, life-long “self learner” here. Education system didn’t work for me til college, where my persistence and not having to be there 8 hours a day made it finally “click”. I wouldn’t even know how to ask for a system that “worked for me”. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. What does this look like?
Like any muscle, the brain will atrophy if not used. A healthy skepticism of AI should be taught such that it's not perceived as infallible and therefore the default crutch.
That’s the point though. No investment needed to start using LLMs today. Investment in ed. is great but does not mean you can’t also use the above for free, today!
Teacher here… we are trying to teach students to think and process information instead of just memorizing facts or what they here. They have all the info in their hands but don’t know how to use it, how to go deeper with understanding and relate that info across different areas.
I can’t understand why we don’t want to use our brain. There is no better feeling than figuring something out. Why are we trying to get to Wall-E as fast as possible. Let that be 3 generations from now.
You’re going to need both. Like investing in actual education over the past 20 years absolutely required a computer and internet. Now it requires AI tools also.
I saw someone post about how AI is impacting things like artistry or creativity. We won’t use our imagination and be driven to create just based on that. We’ll have AI to do all that for us.
I agree with you here. If AI is going to as effective as they claim, then humanity will become a bunch of zombies unable to think for themselves. That seems like a pending disaster to me.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if all of the money, energy, and resources that was going into AI and the marketing of AI went into concrete programs that would make an actual 👏 difference 👏 right 👏 now 👏
I understand the attraction of AI and frankly we will need it. It is and will be an increasingly useful tool.
So far at least there is no substitute for context and “the why” of knowledge framed by caring humans. Believe it or not, “liberal arts” is actually more valuable now…
Viewing AI chatbots as interactive guides--crafting thoughtful prompts and refining follow-up questions--is absolutely a learning skill. It teaches critical thinking, curiosity, and how to engage with information dynamically. Not a replacement for teachers, but a tool to sharpen how one can learn.
does ai chatbot also somehow magically teach the critical thinking? how does this happen? what does it do that suggests it approaches interactions with this intent?
you’re just defining a basic life skill that many of us use daily in life and work (like journalism) and why that skill should be learned and honed with other people, not a chatbot
Also the chatbot is constantly wrong what’s the fucking point? I can skip the part where i train the bad model and just find the info myself. That question is still to be responded to.
What - if any - evidence can you provide that asking an AI chat bot questions to learn with teach critical thinking skills, curiosity or how to engage with information?
This sounds like a naive opinion based on how you think it will work, not an actual verified data point.
Considering how little we actually accomplish in trying to develop critical thinking skills, I'd very much like to see some evidence that this behaviour improves critical thinking.
Ok but Mark Cuban did not say what he says he said—he said “outperform” then pivoted to talk about an eagerness to learn. Now we’re all talking about students for some reason? And you could switch out LLM for “library” and be making the same statement. I agree, BTW, that LLMs have a use BUT
This is monumentally, maybe historically, naive. They use it to do their homework entirely without having to do any of the work. To think anything else is to have never met a child.
All of you AI chuds have the same flaw. You think life is about completing tasks. A tool can help you do that quickly, no matter how disastrous it is for the planet or how inaccurate its results are, so you love it.
But that's not learning. Knowledge isn't an end result. The work is what matters.
this is what I don't understand, it's like they think "knowledge" should just stop dead and atrophy right now - because they want our only interaction with information to be what their stupid chatbot can google and then present to you wrongly and written like a sixth form essay
Kids often lack the wisdom, patience & experience needed to weed thru all the BS AI returns, so the only thing it can be used for is teaching "How to Spot bullshit 101".
The posts read as either AI or the pompous musings of a "self-made" (ie: dad's money) man who thinks because he went to a prestigious college (also on dad's money) and has an increased vocabulary that his words have meaning.
He likes to wax poetic, but the wax is made of Rose Art crayons at best.
It’s also hard to take those as genuine tools sometimes when they all have some kind of built in agenda to avoid smearing a brand/collect info… Like meta using black avatar chat bots to gain info of their community is an example of this misusage
The fact that people are saying "talk to chatbots" in PLACE of "talk to people" is wild. These guys are so excited to sell our souls over and over again to our corporate overlords.
Yea , the hidden agendas is what always sketches me out about using it and why I’m not the strongest advocate… Even something as harmless as Pokémon Go got used in ways folks didn’t imagine
No it doesn't. It teaches you how to fight with a machine that doesn't actually know anything but how to dazzle you with bullshit that looks and sounds right.
Buddy, there are no assumptions involved here. I have plenty of experience using tools like ChatGPT and Gemini. Unless you're asking extremely basic questions (questions you'd be better off just googling), it gives false information more often than not. It cannot think or reason.
These ideas assume that "learning" happens when questions receive responses that we feel are answers. In reality, knowledge often requires nuance, some level of debate, or situational understanding and application. Questions often have unstated constraints that an expert would know to ask around.
Feels like critical thought died at about the time I finished college, thus the explanation for why news coaverage has been turned into telling people what to think
In an ideal world, of course it would be better. But look around as the world around us burns. We each need to be taking any and every opportunity to learn and advance ourselves, because that is the only way we break this cycle. AI isn't the issue here, it is the post capitalism hell we live in
Tech bros and their boot lickers be damned.
Arab Spring was allegedly social media revolution. Now the world’s richest man owns Twitter and Zuckerberg is a cuck.
"critical thought"?
It's half-a-century after the Moon. Why haven't millions of "educated" people figured out planned obsolescence in automobiles?
Why don't "educated" economists talk about Seven Decades of car depreciation?
Do the indoctrinated people think Properly?
I think if AI was properly attributing value toward its sources there would be so much less tension.
100 books for kindergarten
200 books for 1st grade
300 books for 2nd grade
9100 books K-12
A Fall of Moondust by Arthur C Clarke
With mandatory accounting in high school.
Skool Suks!
Construction sites operate with tablet computer’s & management software today. When I was young paper blueprints & physical letters were standard.
It is always the transition that’s difficult.
It means they have a cellphone or laptop and an Internet connection.
It also means they can only learn what already exists.
So far at least there is no substitute for context and “the why” of knowledge framed by caring humans. Believe it or not, “liberal arts” is actually more valuable now…
This sounds like a naive opinion based on how you think it will work, not an actual verified data point.
I am fairly confident it doesn't exist though.
But that's not learning. Knowledge isn't an end result. The work is what matters.
He likes to wax poetic, but the wax is made of Rose Art crayons at best.
AI can't purify my air or water. It can and does pollute both.
Touch grass.
1. AI isn’t the only tool, of course, (like power tools aren’t the only way to build), but it boosts efficiency.
2. No 'magic'—it’s based on real-world impact advancing learning.
And touch grass. Your balance is off if you're defending AI here. Your situational awareness needs a boost.
And yes, I touch grass daily. Balance is key.
But you don't care about that, do you? Need that shiny lol toy and no guilt associated. Sad.
AI is a tool that is already very good with incredible potential, but all tools are useless without the proper user