If we’re going to build a new Internet substrate, we should really go for it.
And maybe notes and backlinks is all you need https://github.com/orgs/lexicon-community/discussions/22
And maybe notes and backlinks is all you need https://github.com/orgs/lexicon-community/discussions/22
Reposted from
I want to get to this - a graph of notes on the protocol. This could be wild with identities, and data types, and verified data.
Probably needs wikilinks and frontpage too?
backlinks in-protocol would be big.
Could embed other lexicons but I’m not clear on that part. I like link posts as a first class object.
1. IP+RFC-822+SMTP => substrate for messaging;
2. HTTP+HTML+URI => stubstrate for publishing;
3. ? => substrate for social engagement spaces
I encourage anyone in the Dweb space to take a look for publishing workflows.
Also one path to linking keys across devices.