It's definitely up there, but they were facing long odds even if they won. Blowing a 9th inning closeout game against the Sox in a series they led 3 games to 0, to go on and collapse in a historic fashion, I'd still say beats this one. Either way, their collapses are extremely hilarious & enjoyable
So New York stumbled embarrassingly at the finish while California, through fortitude and hard work came out on top? Not gonna over read that too much for any reason.
Don’t recall the year (1926?), but noted speed demon Babe Ruth once ended a World Series against the Cardinals trying to steal second base. This was worse than that.
I've been following the Yanks since the 50s. When they play with such dispirited sloppiness, it usually signals trouble in the back office. We can expect another purge, and can be pretty certain that Czar Cashman won't be the one to go.
Go dodgers!
I didn’t he was a Dodger fan until my mom died 7 years ago.
But at first he would say nothing at all and let the moment speak for itself.
Red Sox Nation
The first catcher interference in 40 something years I was dying laughing.