That was exactly what I did at their rally encounter. When I saw the guys raising the cross up I shot the instructor and the cross crushed the other two idiots. Man what a great game.
I really love that one random event that leads you to find out the old man is a confederat who is proud, and at the end you can just rope him and burn him alive and also gain some Honour (Rockstar do be goated like that)
LOL. Yes. I remember that I was starting to tire of the campaign plot devices as I do with all these sorts of games and then the southern stuff started up and it was like, hold on...
i mean personally i blast their heads off, pile up their bodies, and burn their scum with a fire bottle but yeah you can find a lot of ways to deliver some sweet cowboy justice
Punching Nazis in Indiana Jones is really fun. Or, hitting them with hammers, or shovels, or guitars, or batons, or brooms, or torches, or whips, or sledgehammers, or scepters, or frying pans, or rakes, or crutches, or bottles, or candlesticks, or flyswatters, wrenches, pipes, or handbells...
When I first encountered them I was hiding in the bushes waiting and getting my dynamite ready when the cross they were lighting lit them all on fire instead, so then I just had to pick off the last few of them, it was hilarious. It was at night and I came back to the same spot in the daytime and-
There were 3 of them trying to put the cross back up, and so again I hid and waited and they dropped the cross on themselves and there was only one left to take out. I will forever love that game for that alone if not everything else that makes it great.
My wife gave that game a go. I walked into the room as she ran into a kkk rally and watched as she calmly dismounted and started throwing sticks of dynamite everywhere 🤣
As is shooting an RPG at a bunch hick christian extremists while "This little light of mine" or smth plays in Far Cry 5.
They maybe a fictional far right cult, but I've seen plenty that make them seem more realistic than some of the shit in 2025
In red dead
I heard a bear grunt so I went looking and dropped him in front of a bear which proceeded to maul him to death after he stood up.
10 outta 10