Why is it so difficult to just have a federal law requiring anyone owning a gun to have it secured in the home?
If your gun is unsecured and used in a crime, you are an accessory to that crime.
I want to know how this interferes with the holy ammosexual amendment.
If your gun is unsecured and used in a crime, you are an accessory to that crime.
I want to know how this interferes with the holy ammosexual amendment.
The same shit we do for cars. Hell we are even required to register our dogs.
Like to drive a car.
The very same law should apply to Parents buying high powered weapons for their kids under 18, and zero safety is followed through.
They are complicit.
And the whack jobs on Christmas cards of young kids and babies holding guns, Just NO - They’re also Complicit -
(Or their 6-year-old to see how it works.)
When will we, as a civilized nation, take this issue seriously and-heartfelt tears for murdered children aside-unemotionally.
It is a matter of civic responsibility, plain and simple. We should have a gun license like a driver's license, be required to carry liability insurance and pass a test.
1. Every gun registered from mfg to destruction
2. Every gun transfer registered
3. Every gun owner trained and licensed
4. Minimum insurance on every gun
We do it for fucking cars, why not guns?
**a well REGULATED militia**
I would ban semi-automatic guns except shotguns* from being sold at all.
*Semi-auto shotguns are a must for bird hunting. Federal law limits them to 3 rounds for waterfowl.
Seriously, that's the argument. This country is stupid all the way to the bone and all day long
Or does an Amazon Basics safe count?
Some 22 air rifles are powerful enough if you like to target in the garden.
WI should do that for this latest shooter. The parents can get compassionate release to attend their daughter's funeral, but then it's back to prison.
Save your fvcking thoughts & prayers & pass some meaningful gun regulations!
Fvck your 2nd amendment, protect our 2nd graders!
Regardless of the insane number of deaths caused by them.
The love affair with them goes too deep and that tiny bit of the 2A is regurgitated too often by so many.
NRA & accomplices don't want to be liable
they want every single one of us to suffer from their turpitude