This man broke the law. Not only that AND more importantly, he broke his oath as a doctor.
But since the current administration is full of nothing but racist, bigot and criminals, they let him go.
He broke HIPAA law, endangering people NOT UNDER HIS CARE and they let him go.
This is not OK.
But since the current administration is full of nothing but racist, bigot and criminals, they let him go.
He broke HIPAA law, endangering people NOT UNDER HIS CARE and they let him go.
This is not OK.
No patient can trust him.
He is a criminal as a human and as a “doctor”
The Nazi regime considered the elimination of all manifestations of homosexuality in Germany one of its goals
As bad if not worse was the pardoning of Ross Ulbricht, who was doing a life sentence for "Silk Road" a hidden website designed to enable its users to buy and sell illegal drugs and other unlawful goods and services anonymously and beyond the reach of law enforcement.
The Republicans must be haggled daily with the following question:
Are you OK with Felon47 pardoning criminals who prey on your sons and daughters ?
he should never have a moment of peace
Ostracize this garbage
Trans rights are human rights, but besides that, it sets an ominous precedent for anyone who's care might be deemed wrong.