Shame on you Joni for parroting President Musk. I can tell you my husband gets more work done from home in a week than you and your Republican colleagues get done all year. Federal Employees are hard working American citizens who take pride in their work. Shame on you!!
Let’s see how much “squealing” there is when you fund a giant tax cut for the top 10% on the backs of working poor & children who need medical care at hospitals closing doors across US.
The entire MAGA agenda of cruelty for “others” is an obscenity that the greatest generation would 🤮 over.
MAGA full of racist 💩
“Last week, same Army recruiting unit that would have attended BEYA instead participated in a National Rifle Association-sponsored event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a predominantly white gathering that recruiters acknowledge is less likely to yield high-quality applicants.”
How about legislators, who are paid with our tax dollars for their office & free health care to abide by the statutes enacted within the Legislative Branch, fulfill their oaths of office.
Or quit, go home.
If anyone else in this nation did not do their sworn duty/job they would be fired.
Squealing? Are you calling federal employees lazy?
You're turning a blind eye to the ILLEGAL rummaging of every single department and AMERICAN PEOPLE'S sensitive and private, PROTECTED info by an UNAUTHORIZED PRIVATE CITIZEN. You are blatantly ignoring your SWORN DUTY to the Constitution of the USA.
Ernst has been hawking her “squealing” line since her first campaign. She’s DC corruption at its worst: stripping our rights while stuffing her bank accounts.
Iowans need to wise up.
GTFOOH. You are poison to the people of Iowa, and you let an unelected billionaire access the private information of millions of Americans. You should be ashamed of yourself, and so should everyone who voted for you.
And you know this HOW? It’s a convenience that MANY workers love because most people get MORE work done at home because they’re not constantly interrupted with stupid it saves alot on transportation costs..but please do go on about how you know so much about this
I think we need to fire the US Senator who appears to mysteriously gotten very very rich over the last few years, and who now is cutting off money and services to her constituents. The government belongs to us, Joni, and you work for us.
The rapist & convicted felon whose butt you've fastened your lips to, plays golf all day. It's ok though. He's got plenty of thieves, rapists, grifters & grovelers like yourself to tank the country.
How do you know this? Do you have any evidence to back up these statements? It seems it would be a savings to let employees work at home. Oh wait, today’s Republicans don’t really care about fiscal responsibility.
Propublica: Six sources who worked for the Air Force or in Congress told ProPublica that they had heard about Sen. Joni Ernst’s relationship with a top military official and there had been concerns about it for years.
If you are the real Joni Ernst, do you "attend" feedback on this platform?
Here's how you manage your Senate mailbox that solicits input. "This is an unattended mailbox. If you wish to voice a concern, please click here: or call my office at 202-224-3254."
Lookie here traitor...the fact that you (who does literally NOTHING to help the American public) would say something this utterly dumb...shouts volumes. Go back to shitter and stay. No...stay's working well for you.
So now veterans help information is being taken off line on government websites and VA hospital staff cuts are in progress. And what a surprise, Musk now has all your personal information to further blackmail you with. Start standing up for the people you supposedly represent
I'd say you're stunningly out of touch, but you're a politician, and I'm not fond of repeating myself.
I WFH and am an extremely hard worker. The reason I WFH is health conditions that make me more susceptible to contagious illness. I worked in office before and get MUCH more done from home.
Your report “out of office” has been clearly debunked yet it is used as a source document as the entire fed workforce is in chaos. How can you justify poorly planned, orders that disable major portions of our gvmt. RTO orders can be implemented without breaking things. This ain’t Silicon Valley!!
Because she's only in it for the money and power why else would an (alleged probably just a lie for a sympathy vote) rape victim put a wet brained drunk rapist in charge of the military because she didn't want a primary tell that to all the sexual assault victims piece of garbage
How many days do you work a year? How much do you make? And your health insurance is so much better. How well you uphold your oath of office and the Constitution. You are pathetic.
Hey Joni! You are agreeing with Musk about his ILLEGAL overtaking of USAID?!?what is wrong with you? Appropriations is the job of CONGRESS! SHAME ON YOU!!!
As a veteran and registered republican myself; I think it’s high time to put Joni out to pasture. She’s forgotten her oath and allows Musk to take our government.
Says the person who works maybe 3 months out of the entire year. Why not fight FOR your constituents instead the billionaires? Ahhh, that’s right. Billionaires will pay for your job security while stripping it from the actual hard workers of this once-great nation
Many federal employees who work from home have moved to areas that cost less to live. As a result, they have to choose whether to keep their job, or to live some place with a higher cost of living. Quite simply, the return to the office mandate is a way to get employees to quit.
F🤬u & your spineless, no integrity no morality joke of a party under the most cruel & illegitimate Dictator of a President are making the US the most unsafe country in the world! Blood shed & lives lost will b on your hands for confirming the most unqualified, dangerous set of misfits to the cabinet
Have you noticed that people comment on your posts, but no one likes them? I'm guessing there are similar things in real life. Like people will reply to the crap you spew, but no one likes you.
I've worked from home for 20 years as an engineer.. when you work from home you're always at work.. but you avoid traffic and proven health effects of stress/ cost of commuting. You get more work done and you have better quality of life. Maybe you could improve metrics rather than villify people?
Senator. Why would you think that wanting to work from home equals not wanting to do work? Do you have any idea how much child care costs? Maybe a senior family member takes care of the kids and you want to be there just in case. Commuting robs you of two hours with your precious kids.
Are you going to adjust their pay for gas, commute time, and food? Anyone who returns from home office to the office building is basically getting a pay cut.
Stop demonizing hardworking Americans. You are a Russian shill. Sounds like you aren’t in the office much either. Getting it down out of office, Jizzy Joni???
Shame on you Joni. You let us down.We expected better of you. We got nothing more than a sycophant overlooking S.A. and lack of experience for the most important position in the military. Returning to the office does not mean more work is getting done . Your comments are meaningless.
Got the hell out of our happy place you treasonous witch!! Just think, if u lose your next race, u would have sold out you honor and country for what? Karma does come
Sounds like you've been doing a lot of squealing between the sheets. I've written, I've called, I've listened to your phony bs. How does it feel to be thrown to the wolves. You deserve every fucking bit of it and more.
Like you work, Joni? In hotel rooms fucking male officers, who make the rounds with several other women, while making quid pro quo deals? Exchanging sex for tax payer $Billions - You're quite the deal maker.
Will you be insisting Kash Patel work in DC or is he going to work from Las Vegas where he lives in a home owned by Michael Muldoon, a Republican Party megadonor who runs shady time-share companies (as reported by the Nevada Independent earlier this month)?
That's a flat out lie. Studies show that performance actually improved but that doesn't support your agenda does it Joni. Women in this country deserve better that this but looks like we won't ever get it with a Republican. You people don't have a clue and you violate your oath of office daily.
Another term for federal employees is consumer, taxpayer, constituent, voter and American. How much did Musk give you? How much to buy you? How much to participate in dismantling our democracy?
You’re so embarrassing Joni, as an Iowan, I have absolutely no respect for you anymore. Make them squeal, right Joni, you’re just a talking head for the orange shitler, and an embarrassment to all of Iowa.
Ernst has claimed on the federal worker bashing bandwagon. Doesn’t seem to understand that remote work not only provides government services but saves american families on childcare and commuting costs. What a sorry post from a US Senator
Federal employees, stay federal employees. There is no buy-out. There is no VISP. There is no severance. It is an 8-month notice, with no guarantee you won't be cut short and dry. You're better off getting fired. Seek legal counsel. Due process is due.
The fact that you wholeheartedly endorse the scum who beat and literally tried to kill the brave first responders trying to save lives at the plane crash is why you won't mention them cop hating rape apologist when that young soldier woman is getting raped in the shower remember you are an accessory
Only a week since the wet brained drunk rapist you hired to run the military and they are already driving helicopters drunk thank God you didn't get a primary though
Joni knows everything, but maybe they like saving 10 or more hours of commuting each week, maybe they like saving on commuting costs? Are there numbers to back up Joni's assertion?
You're a fraud, a supposed sexual assault victim that confirms a sexual predator for Sec. of Defence. Your story of sexual assault was probably nothing more than deflection from your messy divorce and infidelity.
And do you go into the office everyday? I work a hybrid schedule and am more productive at home than in the office. Less distractions like nosey or talkative coworkers.
You're a disgrace to the office. The fact that you didn't have a spine to vote against unqualified assaulter Hegseth shows your true character. Federal employees are part of the backbone of this countries institutions and have an oath to one thing, the constitution NOT to Trump. You bend the knee.
Hey Joni. Can you respond and explain to the American people and all the members of the military what the Hell is happening to Mark Milley???? You as a retired military think this is ok? You sold your sole to a vindictive, want to be king!!! Really. You should be ashamed!!!
You are a sickening sycophant who dishonored your own service and screwed over every women past present or future who serves! How can you even look at yourself in the mirror? DISHONORABLE!
You do absolutely nothing for us
Iowans. Nothing and you have the audacity to claim federal workers aren’t doing their jobs? Shame on you bread bags Joni
You might “squeal” a little when you get voted out. How about doing some actual work while in Washington instead of being a parrot for Putin and his cronies
Hey you ol war horse. Lot of people are really worried about why is SCUM MUSK Allowed TO INFO FROM S.S.
You were voted in by the people to work for the people. Hell you take better care of a convicted felon, treason, sex abuser. DAMM TRAITOR.
How the hell is the war horse today. Been giving good lip service. Don't lie. We all heard the stories about you and your officer boy friend. Got alot on your chin.
So you old war horse. Getting a little action from a Air Force officer. I knew all along you were no good. You DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR STATE OR YOUR PEOPLE. YOU CARE ABOUT YOU. HOPE YOU GAVE GOOD LIP SERVICE.
So you old war horse. Big day tomorrow. Lots of pressure, not form your state. But from the guy that works for the people. I hope you stand up for the people. Tax breaks for the rich and the middle class and the older ones take the hit.
How many millionaires compared to people that REALLY HELP
Hey there you little TRAITOR. I see Bannon did the Nazi salute. And I have not heard your comment. To the point YOU ARE A SUCKASS. U need to be DISHONABLE DISCHARGE STRIPPED OF ALL BENEFITS. All you do is what you are told to do by SCUM BONE SPUR. I hope you are proud of yourself. Your a TRAITOR WTF
WOW had a great rally at Capitol. Pissed off Republicans WHO WERE COWARDS. We kept it peaceful and did not want ANOTHER JAN 6TH THAT BONE SPUR INSTIGATED. which is TREASON. Joni your name was brought up along with Nunn. You 2 were referred to as COWARDS, BOOT LICKERS. Also u 2 DISGRACING VETERANS
Hey you ol war horse. You never check this site and wonder why? I hear you all want to impeach some judges. Because they are doing their jobs. Just another notch on the bed post. When he gets done out to the stables you go. Some oats and turn out the lights.
Here you CRITICIZE people because they work from home. Well think about it you are working from home UNDER YOUR DADDYS DESK. Do not be a hypocrite Joni
Hey you would be the one to ask. How come no Republican ever SAYS RAPIST TRUMP. I mean you should be able to acknowledge that. You do realize you support a RAPIST, DRUNK. I always say when you vote you are expressing who you really are. And your believes. Joni you are fucked up.
So since you support MAGA 💩 AND BROWN SHIRTS. You can turn in all your military stuff which amounts to NOTHING. The oath you took protect and serve you lied WHICH IS A REPUBLICAN TRAIT.
I have worked 37.5 years in a union shop. And here you think it is funny to want to do all these cut backs put people out on the street. Well obviously you never had to worry about where your next meal came from. There is always a better way. I have a new favorite site to check everyday.
Hey this site is for PATRIOTIC AMERICANS not the ones who support a 5 time COWARD who DISGRACED ARLINGTON CEMETERY AND JOHN McCain. All you Republicans want to do is ruin our country.Here you trash our site with your bullshit about doing away with jobs. How we don't work. Take your trash to FOX NEWS
The stink on you, you will never escape. Forever you have to look at yourself and know how you betrayed your country and sold your soul for what? The power is that important to you? Coward, sellout
You are a disgrace, voting to confirm Gabbard a known Putin puppet. She is a traitor and will sell our country out! All of you will be responsible for her actions! Not one of you can open your mouth no matter who any Democratic President nominates!!
Be prepared to lose the House and the Senate come mid-terms. We've had enough of President Musk and the conviction felon! All of you make me sick. You've all proven to be traitors and your willingness to destroy democracy!
You and that piece of shit can fuck off! Nobody elected that scum bag Musk, get him out of our government! Gabbard isn't qualified to be near any sensitive info., let alone run a department! RFK is unqualified to run a trash truck, let alone our healthcare!
How much of the country are you willing to let be destroyed before you do something about Musk and Trump! Musk has no business being near any government. agency, how much of our security are you willing to let Musk destroy! Republicans will pay for it in the mid-terms?
Or perhaps, Joni, it speaks to lack of child care and other resources that make work from home necessary. Tell us, Joni, what are the productivity stats on those working from home?
You liar. How embarrassing for Iowa, where I attended Grad school, must be to have you, a weak assed lackey, & dottering old fool Graham representing you.
She's a loyalist. Working for a fascist dictator rather than paying attention to the constitutional rights of the citizens she represents. Her and other MAGA running our state, Senator Chuck Grassley, Governor Reynolds, Representative Hinson, and all our Iowa state leaders must be voted out.
So now our Iowa farmers are going to feel the effects of cutting of USAID. Isn't it interesting that when you/they vote for hate it eventually blows back on you?
Sure it will hurt many innocents but I doubt that you care about them. Maybe the farmers will make you sit up, take notice, & do your job.
What are you going to do about Pres Musk? How much of our democracy are you willing to sacrifice to please Trump?
We look to you as our representative & expect you to stand up against an unelected person having access to our critical & classified systems. Please do the job you were elected to do.
Saves $$$ to have employees work from home and you know that.
Are you going to be endorsing Project 2025/Russell Vought? Is your sellout complete? If so, you are the real squealer in this scenario.
No, that’s not what it means at all you ignorant excuse for a human. Look at the God damn studies of worker productivity. When workers feel appreciated, trusted and have flexibility their work product is much higher.
No, it doesn't, actually. What is wrong with you to say that? If you have real evidence of lower productivity then that is one thing but your statement is simply false.
That is a copout. No group gets less done than Congress. You all are busy selling your souls for evil gain. I wrote you off when you voted for the drunkard Hedspeth. Why don't you just resign if you can't represent your constituents.
You are a disgrace. You will say anything that makes Trump like you. Why would you go against women in the military.
We will never be behind you. We may even march against you. We can create armies too
Who are you to talk about others not doing their jobs. The Huffington Post is reporting that you were on a call with Musk, Ramaswamy, and Mike Lee agreeing that all regulations should be ignored. You are not following your oath of office to protect our democracy.
She’s reading from the card her cult leader sent. The same one that told her to vote for Hegseth or else. Why state your opinion? We just have to listen to Trump and know what you will do.
My spouse in IT works his ass off — probably even more so while home. Went into the office last week for TWO days and caught the flu —which tends to lower productivity. There are jobs that aren’t possible to perform from home and others that are.
The entire MAGA agenda of cruelty for “others” is an obscenity that the greatest generation would 🤮 over.
YOU should be fired.
“Last week, same Army recruiting unit that would have attended BEYA instead participated in a National Rifle Association-sponsored event in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a predominantly white gathering that recruiters acknowledge is less likely to yield high-quality applicants.”
Or quit, go home.
If anyone else in this nation did not do their sworn duty/job they would be fired.
You're turning a blind eye to the ILLEGAL rummaging of every single department and AMERICAN PEOPLE'S sensitive and private, PROTECTED info by an UNAUTHORIZED PRIVATE CITIZEN. You are blatantly ignoring your SWORN DUTY to the Constitution of the USA.
Iowans need to wise up.
Your party is firing people without care or compassion or any intelligent or even thoughtful discernment. Shame on you.
Your hate is NOT welcome here. 🦋
Propublica: Six sources who worked for the Air Force or in Congress told ProPublica that they had heard about Sen. Joni Ernst’s relationship with a top military official and there had been concerns about it for years.
Here's how you manage your Senate mailbox that solicits input. "This is an unattended mailbox. If you wish to voice a concern, please click here: or call my office at 202-224-3254."
I WFH and am an extremely hard worker. The reason I WFH is health conditions that make me more susceptible to contagious illness. I worked in office before and get MUCH more done from home.
How much “work” do you do when you’re not in your office?
That’s different huh 🤬
It’s CHEAPER, less time, energy and expense for employees to work from home. Clothes, daycare, GAS, eating out…
YOU might read your own government reports once in awhile instead of making shit up the way your Fuhrer does 🤬
Operation 435:
April 5th, 2025,
12 noon (local time)
Who knows how much "work" he'll do there?
Employed Americans keep our economy going. When the economy crashes, do you really think Trump and Elon will take care of you?
You are a sickening sycophant who dishonored your own service and screwed over every women past present or future who serves! How can you even look at yourself in the mirror? DISHONORABLE!
Iowans. Nothing and you have the audacity to claim federal workers aren’t doing their jobs? Shame on you bread bags Joni
Text SIGN PPLQMD to 50409
You were voted in by the people to work for the people. Hell you take better care of a convicted felon, treason, sex abuser. DAMM TRAITOR.
How many millionaires compared to people that REALLY HELP
This tells America just how little work is being done from the White House !
Sure it will hurt many innocents but I doubt that you care about them. Maybe the farmers will make you sit up, take notice, & do your job.
We look to you as our representative & expect you to stand up against an unelected person having access to our critical & classified systems. Please do the job you were elected to do.
Are you going to be endorsing Project 2025/Russell Vought? Is your sellout complete? If so, you are the real squealer in this scenario.
We will never be behind you. We may even march against you. We can create armies too
You do not care about women.
You do not care about our military.
You do not care about our Constitution.
Those workers are not squealing pigs.
Workers were more productive and made fewer mistakes. Workers saved commuting time went back to employers.
Just stop! Help your constituents!