I am participating, and also going to a local protest. It may not be effective (yet) but we have to try every possible way to register our rage about what is happening.
EVERYBODY, please - we need to show our power. get cash and stay away from your phone/computer. walk down the block and buy your stuff from your neighbor stores. it’s not that hard and you will feel better. it’s just a better way to live.
I already don't spend any money on a daily basis. Can't afford it anymore. I pay bills and get necessities now.
That being said, I will not be buying anything tomorrow. Already got gas for work, good to go 😜
Totally doing this! i also wanna push the idea of steadily reducing the need for shopping at these kind of places over time. I've been trying to gradually faze out of supporting these places and others like them for a bit now and it's tough! but I do see it working for me.
I'm in. What if we all stopped shopping at big box and huge ugly chain stores for a day, then found we really enjoyed the extra time and $$ and just kept doing it?? #EconomicBlackout
At least they mentioned it. Have been wondering if there would be a media blackout or not. It looks like most of the media is covering it. That is something!
Wonder if we will hear the impact. Hope the word has gotten out. More people with podcasts, etc should be pushing it, but haven't heard that. Mostly have seen it here.
Best Pres ever!
We're not going back!
Let them burn.
That being said, I will not be buying anything tomorrow. Already got gas for work, good to go 😜