We all know what his transparent plans are, he's a megalomaniac, we've seen these guttersnipes before. Doesn't take long to get to a point where there is only one way to stop them, the Grim Reaper comes to call.
Drumpf is putty in the hands of anyone who smothers him in praise, money and delusions.
He is the front man for evil men who spent decades formulating the $h1tshow we are now witnessing, while making him feel like it's all his own plan. Drumpf is riddled with mental illness, not brilliance.
Tho, I really think he got his Dictatorship For Dummies play book from Putin. Like Musk, he just steals stuff and calls out his own, including ideologies.
Which is why Trump suddenly calling Zelensky a dictator and pointing out that in 2022, Ukraine went into martial law. That old saying that everything Trump says about someone else is actually a confession about himself.
Yep, trump is heading down that path. I wonder if the government had shut down due to lack of funding would trump declare an emergency, then wow no mid-term elections. And even if there are mid-terms - are there any agencies left to ensure legality. Who's going to stop musk from tampering?
I'm starting to agree. He is not nearly as stupid & unaware as he seems, it's actually part of his cover. The crazier people think he is the more people believe whats happening are merely biproducts of his madness. They assume his actions are those of a fool, not the deliberate acts of a traitor.
No one is that good of an actor. I have no doubt he is dumber than dirt. The people who manipulate him may not be, but rest assured he is unfathomably stupid.
Look up malignant narcissism. Trump really isn’t that smart. And he needs power and praise. This equation isn’t that hard to figure out. Seriously….look it up.
he is actually very decisive in his actions he knows if he removes said government agencies that the Constitution thrive on keeping them up n running, then if they are gone so is the Constitution then he can change the form of government the USA has
You are spot on! He actually slept with a book of Hitler’s speeches beside his bed. The parallels between them are fascinating. Schumer played right into his hands, so now he has even more power to destroy the government.
with a shutdown, Schumer is irrelevant and all of Congress would be out of play. But the courts both Federal, Circuit and State are still active and can bring the pressure to shut down both #FuckTrump & #FuckMusk with legal battles they would lose. old school politics is history so is Schumer!
Some people will always hope for the best. While others will think those who claim to have seen the future actions are fools. So you have a difficult job trying to convince people.
Time has proven this did not go far enough. It lead to more fascism and oppression. Where it needed to lead to and still needs to lead to is a revolution that takes down the entire empire. The only reform and the only compromise is revolution. Landback & reparations
Heres the text for the last chapter of Schumer’s book:
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
Randomly attributing intelligence to morons is not helpful.
All signs are he is just a demented moron gangster.
He can barely form sentences or hold a thought for gods sake.
The TV-camera-test was an actual dementia test.
And he thinks he "aced it" . Do we really need more?
Just use Hanlon's Razor.
3. FYI: Hanlon's razor is an adage, or rule of thumb, that states: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. It is a philosophical razor that suggests a way of eliminating unlikely explanations for human behavior."
#TrumpsProject2025 is his adaptation of the Dictators Playbook. He’s checking off every item. If people bothered to read even a summary, they’d know how he INTENDS to destroying our society & dismantle our government😡😡😡
Follow this tracker: https://www.project2025.observer/
He is waiting for the people's backlash so he can declare martial law. Then he gets his nirvana monent: NO MORE ELECTIONS! Beware folks! Don't let them bait you.
With 3 years to formulate a project plan. Maybe call it 2025 or something?
2 Questions:
1. Is there not a law against planning to overthrow the constitution?
2. Who wrote Project 2025?
Many of the writers and contributors to Project 2025 are now a part of the Trump Administration:
Russell Vought
Peter Navarro
Brendan Carr
Adam Candeub
Tom Homan
Brian J. Cavanaugh
James Baehr
Paul Atkins
Stephen Billie
I literally have Hitlers timeline pinned on my page.
Go check it out. It's terrifying how on track we are.
Always #Strongertogether #Resist
Everyone is pinning their hopes on the midterms. Well they will probably be suspended when he calls a false State of Emergency. Fight the Coup!!! Stop dithering over Marquis of Queensbury gentlemen's etiquette.
Musk Trump are Maduro autocrats - willing to see their country become a failed state. “ accepting economic collapse, violence, mass poverty, international isolation…to stay in power.” They’re willing to destabilize neighbors” like Canada.
- Quotes from Autocracy, inc.
If he lives that long, have you not seen him lately? He looks pretty ill grave. That's what happens when you live on Diet Coke and Cheetos. The orange freak convict and indicted individual.
And yet, even with congress, our governmental representatives swearing an oath to protect us, & being presented with a playbook Plan and Orange Mussolini repeatedly spelling this shit out at nauseam, wtf didn’t any of those alleged brilliant minds work towards blocking this shit beforehand!?
I've said this before and I'll say it again that's probably the fucking plan but it sure as 💩 ain't the 🍊💩🤡,if it works he'll take credit for it, but there are others that are laying the ground work for him and we all know who they are.
Senators, are you aware? A cemetery has removed links to "Notable Graves" of Black, Hispanic, and female veterans, per The Washington Post, as part of a review to align with administration policies.
Literally a puppet for project 2025. He sure loves the spotlight though. Someone pointed out that old people use simpler, Less complex sentences. They repeat themselves. Shows mental decline. Don-old fits all that. Still biggest asshole I've ever seen.
His plan is to be manipulated by the heritage foundation and F’Elon. He only wants his ego stroked, he doesn’t care who or how. And if people die, less of burden for him. He’s a sad sick old man.
Right now people are complaining about the extra taxes they are paying on capital gains they had from last year's great market. This time next year the idiots will be thanking trump for lowering their taxes when it's just due to the stock losses. And he'll take the credit gladly.
The notion that the stock market will be lower next year isn’t really based on anything other than pure speculation. The overall prevailing pressure on stocks is upward.
Part of Project 2025 includes taking powers that have traditionally belonged to the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch and giving them to the Executive Branch.
He’s not that smart. It’s those around him that feed his ego and write up those executive orders that we should worry about. The sycophants need him to sign and execute their agenda. He gets their praise and Putin’s as well. He’s a happy ignorant fool!
I wish I agreed. I fear he is planning to e king of the biggest nation on earth. He isn’t a genius, he is an imbecile. But a con artist who has oligarch despicable advisors on how to achieve this. Frightening.
Many of us voted… (I was on a magathread for my county and state) and had their votes (including mine) thrown out, rejected or not counted for many different bullshit reasons
Yes. Given, e.g. since Sandy Hook shootings there have been numerous elections at all levels and still people keep voting in politicians who undercut the alleged “polls say people want “ gun control…same with state voter registration.
Either people don’t know the system or this is want they want
The solution is really quite simple, stand up and say No to the 79 year old petulant 6 year child. He doesn’t like being told No and doesn’t like being held accountable! Stand up and say Fucking No! No more letting others treating us like we are fools!
However, unlike many fascists and authoritarians of the past he is also dealing with a heavily armed citizenry. Authoritarians do not want people armed. That’s just a set up for revolution. The great irony of the second amendment, in the end.
Right. It’s important to think of him as a real criminal. His motives are entirely ulterior and his whole world has been built on the long con. Martial law, and then what? He tries to circumvent the term limit?
I am right now re-reading The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. It's absolutely true just how similar his actions are to Hitler's and how quickly he managed to gain control with his lies and propaganda and scare tactics and persecution of his enemies and the press. It's scary.
I've also heard that by crashing markets he expects billionaires to turn to federal bonds, bring down interest rates as well as devaluatint the dollar. America's debt is out of control. And hopefully now the world stops trading in dollars. It will definitely be the nail in the coffin.
I'm currently reading Edward Fishman's book "Chokepoints: American Power in the Age of Economic Warfare" which is all about how the US dollar has dominated the world economy. Very informative!
We need to lift up that the plan to wreck everything includes/requires/has resulted in killing people. Be it in plane crashes, stripping benefits and rights, canceling aide. They have no problem doing it and Elon has no problem profiting off it.
He's destroying everything except the military. He wants desperate people to eventually to end up supporting or being in the military. It's the old Playbook. Canada. Greenland. Panama. He is serious.
And now he got his budget resolution and keeps the Government open, so he doesn’t have to rush into it due to a shutdown. He for sure has a timeline for declaring a State of Emergency but he’s got a few more steps yet.crash the economy more I would think . And Elon needs to finish his dismantling
I suspect he is seeking to impose shock doctrine on the U.S with the help of his libertarian zealots at the Heritage Foundation. Manufacture an economic crisis causing anger amongst the masses. Then declare a state of emergency, impose martial law and ban elections. 2026 mid terms? Won’t happen.
Hitler rose to power from a Depression and WWI, Trump is destroying the Economy and Democracy all by himself and that why he will fail.
People are moving from good to bad and they take notice.
He's only smart in certain ways. How to manipulate people. He has many evil people in the cabinet now like Vaughn who helped with the writing of Project 2025. THESE people are the ones who are advising him. I agree this is all a prelude to his goal of dictatorship.
Russell Vought & P25
Russell Vought & P25
Russell Vought & P25
Russell Vought & P25
I cannot say this often enough:
He's the tool of Russell Vought & P25
I’m sorry but I don’t agree. He doesn’t fool even his most fervent supporters. There’s not a hint of sophistication. They are all knowingly lying to each other. This way they can all be free to hate. Hating is the only measure of their existence.
I wonder how tense it gets at the White House ? Is one of the three eyeing the other two with malice in his heart ? Is the end game to dispose of the two ? You know get rid of thing 1 & 2 then you’re the only thing left.
Some of us saw this coming 8 years ago and sadly, we’ve been looking for our Democratic leaders to speak up, stand strong and fight back. Unfortunately, that just doesn’t seem to be happening.
this is correct keep your rage and your violence in check close to your vest. don't waste it... keep it for when it is truly truly needed and pray that it won't be
For the idiot Dems that allowed this...his next move which he had expected to already have done is declare Marshall law. His plan, rid migrants, middle and lower class Americans. Followers will live and work in Tech communities already developed in CA, TX, NY. He will have his Trump Golden Empire
he is a used car salesman that means he will do what he has to, to sell the shit people want to hear then stab them in the back after he gets what he wants...
Trump is a prop. Project 2025 is driving this entire shit show. He's just a face of demolition. They are racing hard to screw the Country and the World because he could die any day from natural causes. 🤞
he may be, but his plan is not... now he has brains behind his ridiculous plan and they will be able to carry out what he wants with next to no resistance, well think so, they will love what is coming soon, starting next week 😉
Ran that info (as typed), using Elon’s latest Grok 3 ai model: Given recent developments, it would be reasonable to estimate that since taking office, Trump has reached 45-50% of this objective on a scale of 0-100%.
He is the front man for evil men who spent decades formulating the $h1tshow we are now witnessing, while making him feel like it's all his own plan. Drumpf is riddled with mental illness, not brilliance.
Not some James Bond fiction. A real one.
we were in a better position if they voted it down. we had enough courts to stop them from doing anything with a shutdown.
Schumer is an old dog with no more tricks
In turn only several courts/judges have the power to impeded on the President's executive orders and he is not one of them.
Time has proven this did not go far enough. It lead to more fascism and oppression. Where it needed to lead to and still needs to lead to is a revolution that takes down the entire empire. The only reform and the only compromise is revolution. Landback & reparations
It's all in project 2025. All of it.
Doge is the beginning part.
I don't know what we can do.😔
#coup #blocktrump #madman_in_the_WH
Hell’s Kitchen 🔥
And America will never get that imbecile out of the WH!
He will be forever remembered as the coward that ignited the US civil war and dragged a once thriving nation into 3rd world status led by endless dictators wielding murderous power. No nation ever fell so far, so fast as the one he betrayed.
All signs are he is just a demented moron gangster.
He can barely form sentences or hold a thought for gods sake.
The TV-camera-test was an actual dementia test.
And he thinks he "aced it" . Do we really need more?
Just use Hanlon's Razor.
Remember, Trump has a relationship with Orbán. He’s spent time with Trump
The difference is - Hitler & Orbán didn’t have high tech resources to aid in the dismantling.
Follow this tracker:
2 Questions:
1. Is there not a law against planning to overthrow the constitution?
2. Who wrote Project 2025?
Russell Vought
Peter Navarro
Brendan Carr
Adam Candeub
Tom Homan
Brian J. Cavanaugh
James Baehr
Paul Atkins
Stephen Billie
Steve miller/bannon come by to tuck him in to read his fav bedtime story Mein Kampf.
Or Machiavellis, The Prince.
Go check it out. It's terrifying how on track we are.
Always #Strongertogether #Resist
I know he's a conman.
But you don't have to be a good conman if your marks are stupid enough.
And here we are.
- Quotes from Autocracy, inc.
He went in politic to serve him only , not the americans.
He is the son of Lucifer and have the 666 under his tupet.
I think he’s just nuts, myself.
But he’s JUST the front man. Nothing more.
I Hate Nazi’s ⬇️
Trump is their useful idiot. Fuck all the way off with this "Trump is playing 4D chess" bullshit.
Either people don’t know the system or this is want they want
Size of US and economic power/population in blue states dwarfs what Putin, Hitler, Mussolini etc. had to overcome
Soldiers won't fire on citizens for Trump/billionaires
It's terrible, maybe not Hitler terrible
C’mon! Cholesterol for the win!
If it gets to that, laws as we knew them will be history. There will only be the whims of the dictator.
We should stop this madness while law still exist or prepare for the days when it doesn’t.
People are moving from good to bad and they take notice.
Because it’s my understanding that about 60-70 million of his voters are actually cheering a recession
Furious over his “politics”
Not over him
I’ve also seen reports of there still a large segment of his base that continues to support and offer excuses for him.
So I guess we shall see if that anger of his supporters translates into larger calls for him to be impeached
I think it needs to hurt for them to wake up..
And WTF that it’s working.
Russell Vought & P25
Russell Vought & P25
Russell Vought & P25
I cannot say this often enough:
He's the tool of Russell Vought & P25
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, domestic terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
So now he has a CR and continues onward.
He's being led by the nose.
He gets to act tough, hawk shit and golf.
he owns the #MAGAts who own the rest of the #Republicans who not only have the House they also have the Senate