Some of it is the touchingly childlike faith of free market fundamentalists that the "free market" will weed out unsafe and ineffective drugs better than actual science, clinical trials, and safety monitoring. Part of it is just hostility to scientific and medical expertise.
Oh, I'm not disagreeing with that. It's just that they really believe this stuff and really believe that they are making things better by deregulating everything. It's very cult-like.
Evidence never enters into the equation, just as it never enters into the equation for their belief that tax cuts generate so much additional revenue that they pay for themselves.
Anyone who supported Trump is not a supporter of free markets. They are rent seekers, opportunists, and power-hungry big government ideologues. But you can't be pro-free markets while pledging fealty to "tariff man."
Money. If no one has to prove their claims, anybody can sell whatever they want. The more they deregulate, the less insurance has to pay. Win for grifters, private equity and insurers, the rich assume they can buy what they need and the poor already have trouble accessing evidence based medicine.
Trump is getting recommendations from people like RFK Jr., Musk, and other folks, just like he's given names for judges by the Leonard Leo, Tom Fitton, the Federalist Society, etc.
I doubt that he does even basic research for appointments like this.
Because a sizable and very loud chunk of his base* were further radicalized by COVID, and basically *agree* with said crackpots. And even if Trump somehow doesn't agree with them, he wants to keep them onside.
I doubt that he does even basic research for appointments like this.
*Possibly including Trump himself.