The difference with many other banned books, they aren't explicitly telling people to go out and spread the word of said book, or to carry out the actions in said book. The bible condones rape, misogyny, murder, and encourages male hierarchies. The bible is one of the most vile books of all time.
But no one walks away completely unaffected.
I personally have religious trauma syndrome, and I just wish there were more protections in place to protect people from indoctrination so other people don't have to go through it.
Dude, maybe I want to learn about a different religion than Christianity
We are one of the smallest religions
If the bible were written today, it wouldn't get this pass.
'Daughter of Gaia, Shamanic Witch'
There are many different types of Christianity
Just leave it behind
I am sure people who do read it don’t go out and commit rape and murder
And who knows maybe am atheist wants to read it