Today I defend Hasbro/WOTC, D&D, and diversity in the hobby against fascist Elon Musk
#dnd #elonmusk #hasbro #wotc
#dnd #elonmusk #hasbro #wotc
Greetings from Canada! 🇨🇦
Great video on a complex issue.
Supporting bad companies vs an even worse person.
I hope Musk does buy WoTC. He'll destroy D&D like he has Twitter. Good riddance.
He would mishandle it even worse than Hasbro AND insert his questionable worldviews into DnD which would drive away most players and kill the franchise for good.
Musk and his followers are tourists to the TTRPG and do not know/care about its origins, let alone play and enjoy the game. If they did, they might not be so dang upset all the time.
The Authors and the Hobby? Absolutely.
But Hasbro hasn't been much better then Elon. Is this just on the hope of future improvement?
Or are you at the "ally with the Mafia to keep shipping save in WW2" level of deseperation already?
The rest just doesn't care for such crappy 1960s mechanics.
It's telling that no one in the comments back Musk's belief that Hasbro is "erasing and slandering" Gygax etc: this was never about his legacy and was only about the "right" to be bigoted.
They got me hooked in phonics,and it's been a downhill slide ever since
It's surreal and sad
To the concern that I'm being too blunt: note that I only call Trump and Musk fascists. It's
This video isn't about who should own D&D; it's about
So long as Hasbro and WOTC don't retract anything, they're officially standing by the statements defending the right of me and other LGBT, minority, and other discriminated-against people to be in the hobby. As shitty as many things WOTC has done (and all the