Now, Sen. Lindsey Graham is up to question Bondi…
“Trump trusts you, which is a good thing” according to Graham.
“Trump trusts you, which is a good thing” according to Graham.
—-Lindsey Graham 🤮
If lawmakers can turn a blind eye to facts and if the Supreme Court can legitimize authoritarian rule and unfettered political contributions by dark entities, then would anyone expect MAGA to be saints.
I'd go someplace where they don't know me.
that is the ultimate insult.
Time to binge Madame Blanc.
BTW, no respite with the fires. Over on Fox it's all about the looting problem.
Nope. He doesn't. Not anyone.
Like himself to putin, people are just assets to use and abuse.
Loyalty only exists one way. To him. Not himself to anyone.
Meh, his trust isn't so impressive. 🤷♀️