“Fully unwinding the department would require a filibuster-proof, 60-vote majority in the Senate, legal experts have said…The draft order doesn’t mention Congress.”
Pretty soon some people's education is so bad they will only be able to hold the worst jobs.
Is that the point?
It will not affect the billionaire class
And why wouldn’t he? The poorly educated are a dream demographic for a politician who thrives on emotional appeal, misinformation, and the kind of unwavering loyalty that can only come from not knowing better...
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There aren’t laws people. The Congress doesn’t matter. 60 votes whatever. My god. Wake the fuck up and hit the streets.
If they trying to eliminate the Dept of Education wtf is Linda McMahon job or is she purged already also
…maybe hold a paddle up ..oh & block effective women of color from leadership positions
Preferring & protecting the old white boy network & insider trading above all else
That should teach them…
WhyTF Why!!!????
Statutes matter!
It’s just smoke and mirrors 🔥🪞
This move ain't the Fake Wrestling crap!
Then, we get to sit and wait to see if he defies the court order.
That scenario is coming. We just don’t know which order he’ll defy first…but it’s coming.