Trump CANNOT legally reverse Biden’s pardons.
The bigger question is what improper and illegal actions will be taken by Trump’s DOJ and FBI that would fly in the face of those Biden pardons.
The bigger question is what improper and illegal actions will be taken by Trump’s DOJ and FBI that would fly in the face of those Biden pardons.
SCOTUS acted unconstitutionally when they granted immunity to Trump. Blue state governments have the power, money and military to rein them all in.
Otherwise, it's a piece of paper and no one is able to force anyone to abide by it. Most especially TFG. Who never believed in it
Oh never mind.
Or even if they don’t strike it down, trump will just ignore the ruling.
They have no enforcement mechanism, as I understand it.
That way, there would be just cause to charge all of them with conspiracy to commit treason so they could all hang together.
I do know for a fact that Trump's VA Office of No Accountability and Whistleblower Retaliation never performed any investigations, though.
Investigations that will cost 10's of million$ that will be made public and not prosecuted.
It's perfomance art with huge financial and personal cost to the targets. They must be shielded.
Playing short commercials during pro sports games and March Madness would be the most efficient way to find ignorant Americans.
And a reminder, in 2005 Bush’s DOJ said autopen was acceptable for president’s signature.
because Biden didn’t use a real pen.
Unconscious “Projections”
of Donald Trump.
To get worse. I feel like govt run media (full on) is coming! No
More inkling of any media that projects anything other than his favor.
Or is he just worried about facing Putin and looking weak?
Victor Hugo
This isn't helpful. I don't think she's having trouble groking the state of things, and she's making a reasonable point. Stop attacking people who are raising issues and trying to inform.
Also tracks with the federal rules of evidence.
Can we get coalition of states to tell Trump: any EO deemed unconstitutional/illegal or has TRO will be null/void... any EO pertaining to any action in which he defies court orders will not be followed.
whether he "cannot" or it is "illegal" are moving targets with a SCOTUS that has already determined that he is above the law and an impotent Senate/House
There are no laws in a dictatorship, other than the laws the dictator deems real.
I think those pardons are dead. We shall see…
He knows this will take YEARS of fighting in the courts. He is only interested in revenge. His goal is to put them in jail. For a day, a week, a month. As long as he can.
Biden's pardons
Too stupid to
realize that
presidential pardons
all Trump pardons
as well.
We have no leaders.
But Biden's auto-sign doesn't count?
He must be forced to resign or...worse.
Especially by "Internet proclamation" 🤣
Where are the checks and balances in the govt?
uSA going rapidly towards anarchy ?
I feel so sad for the kiddos.
“Trump claims Biden’s pardons are illegal because they weren’t scribed on a scroll with a feathered plume”
This man is a fucking joke. It’s not legal unless I, the King, say it is.
It’s on purpose.
The Trump loyalists believe only Trump can determine what is legal & what is not.
The DoJ & FBI will be investigating & charging anyone Trump doesn't like, regardless of whatever legal protections they once had under democratically enforced laws.
Hey people, we are seeing the beginning of a police state! We need to act now.
Who exactly is going to stop him?
He owns the doj
2. All of them. Three months of extremely serious daily violations of basic rights. Nothing indicates he'll slow down; he'll only increase it.
I seem to have forgotten, would you be so kind as to remind me:
Do dictators give a fuck about laws? For some reason, I just can't remember the answer. 🤔/s
Magicians use the deception all the time. Use a pretty girl to distract you from the elephant behind the curtain...
1. An FBI agent who simply did their job investigating J6 and has now been arrested for doing their job
2. A MAGA Soldier who served in Afghanistan and came back with crushing PTSD and just had some or all of his VA benefits yanked and feels betrayed by his country.
4. Someone diagnosed with a terminal disease who just lost all their healthcare benefits to cover tx.
We all agree he can’t undo Biden’s pardons.
Now we all have to agree that he’s doing it anyway - and figure out how to stop him.