Whoever is in charge of the ongoing webhook deprecation debacle should be put in the stockades and have rotten cabbages hucked at them for at least a month...
You can love to hate it, but there really isn't an alternative if you want the tight calendar integration and meeting chat. Slack certainly doesn't offer that.
I actually loved Microsoft Teams because it would often go down for entire afternoons and paralyze the entire operation. It was like regularly getting an extra lunch hour 😃
FileMaker is custom app software. It is what you make it. If it’s “bad”, that’s the fault if the developer that built it, or you have a vertical market product that just isn’t built for you.
Microsoft would struggle if they needed to please customers not just buying agents in on the grift
it following instructions
Admin hurriedly alt tabbing away from GTA5 *ahem* ai. We’re setting up ai. See, here’s our proposal *pulls up GPT letter of consent from procurement
But, mainly, the worst piece of software ever : IFS. Doesn’t even run on macOS. Forcing you to use windows. 🤮
Damn, this thing is evil. It was designed only to make you quit your job, I think.
If someone knew nothing about a logistic/ordering system they would design something better than SAP
How would you like to save something on a server in a dank building in Chico California, that you don't own?
We have just the thing for you it's called OneDrive.
They switched to teams and it all went downhill.