I'm very much a grumpy old man about raytracing and modern rendering pipelines in general... so when I say that the Half-life 2 RTX demo is genuinely mind-blowing and has the best shadows I have ever seen in anything, understand that's coming from someone who went in expecting to be unimpressed
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I guess Dragons Dogma 2's shadows kinda spoiled me, even without RT lol
I remember playing the portal rtx demo and I hated how dlss made everything look and feel "muddy"
I don't care for newfangled rendering techniques not because I can't be impressed, but because it's completely out of scope for a large amount of people when economies are crumbling the world over
the bleeding eyes are an unrelated condition
"then go back into your hole in the ground and live a joyless life because you cannot afford the luxury of entertainment"
guess I'm not allowed to call out technology being prohibitively expensive these days, my bad
It's the thing that new games are making an explicit requirement to even run.
It's a barrier to entry and the only invitation is money.
If you don't want to get called out for making a stupidass comment, don't fucking make the stupidass comment.
DLSS quality looks phenomenal though i will say
I own a copy of Doom Eternal that I got in a bundle on steam that I will never be able to afford to run.