Worked a bit on my #TwinPeaks #FireWalkWithMe Fan Edit today.
I can see why Lynch and Sweeney eventually said, "F It" and cut the film to Laura's scenes to reach 2hr 15min.
That being said, they could've done some things to smooth out the film so it wasn't all Good Friday moments back to back.
I can see why Lynch and Sweeney eventually said, "F It" and cut the film to Laura's scenes to reach 2hr 15min.
That being said, they could've done some things to smooth out the film so it wasn't all Good Friday moments back to back.
That's not my experiment.
I only have the footage provided from the blu-rays otherwise I might be utilizing alternate shots/takes.
We'll never know but that's my attempt.
Personally, I love seeing it all put together because it's closer to the film the fans were looking forward to seeing.
The Laura scenes were constructed to go into other character scenes and then come back to her story--so to then staple her scenes one top of the other is good in some areas, problematic in others.
If I was co-writing back then, I would done everything I could to persuade Lynch to make it a cradle to grave story instead of the last week where only the Pilot and S2 Finale were used as signposts.