I was on my 5mi walk today and suddenly someone was beside me talking to me, so I pulled out my earbud to see someone maybe 12 yo? "How tall are you?" He said. "6'9"" I said. "WHAT" he said "THAT IS TOO MUCH" and then bent down, picked up a very small twig like branch, threw it at me, and ran away.
OK, reading best intent... I think he was a professional human climber who knew his limits. He held the stick up to do a rough guestimate in his head, but he knew his stamina would run out like in the first 30 hours of BotW.
I've lost the thread, now I just wanna go play Zelda.
I can’t pass by a “that’s too much, man” without invoking Sarah Lynn Himmelfarb
She was gonna be an architect, dammit