Good news gang, turns out if we just don't buy products for one day, like if we just don't be consumers for two dozen hours, things will start getting fixed, uh, somehow, believe you me.
Politicians hate this ONE trick!
Politicians hate this ONE trick!
This idea is like…I can sort of see why people are liking it, but it’s not going to accomplish much.
it’s better to invite people to deepen their efforts after they have taken a small step rather than shitting on them for not doing the Perfect Resistance
i do think this specific one is coming at quite an opportune time when millions upon millions people are pissed off and it might be something that really takes off.
too early to say but expending effort shitting on it seems silly to me
I'm not telling anybody to stop, like do whatever, but come on
i disagree that it’s completely ineffective. prayer is one of the best collective actions that is:
1) community building
2) an on-ramp to more action
it’s not going to shift anything materially, but it can be part of getting people activated
i get it’s cringe and largely ineffective but damn let’s have some humility about the state of The Left and find ways to deepen our coalitions
i agree it’s comparatively better to unionize than boycott business for a day. but you can’t unionize overnight so it’s not mutually exclusive
Brushing teeth has been shown to be an effective way to control tooth loss, where as generalized “buy nothing day” protests have not historically, shown effective at anything. But, I will join along.
but maybe a few won’t! maybe a few will actually keep not spending money
Washington DC
National Mall
speeches, beer, and revolution
be there
The phonecall Bezos places to Vizier Musk in my head makes me laugh
What's an economic blackout if a bunch of people aren't joining in and it's only for a Friday??
If we really want to "hit them where it hurts", stop buying from the big online stores and community-destroying supercenters.
Buy local. Buy independent. Buy ethically.
Every movement must take it's first step before it can run.