Yeah I wasn't contradicting you or anything, just noting that, if a remake is realistically less likely, we should at least get a new remaster instead of a port.
1. F-Zero (F-Zero GX successor for the love of God, it's been over 20 years)
2. 3D Mario
3. Wario Land (I love WarioWare, but Wario Land is a great platformer series)
If they made a dozen more BotW spinoffs I would be content. They won't, but I can dream. (Oh, and I second Terranigma!)
My mind is less on potential titles and more on features. Yes, it's bigger, but so what? What else? Drift? Streaming? Lag? What makes it worth saving up for, you know? 🤭
A Wind Waker HD port, a Twilight Princess HD remake, a Zelda game in the style of WW, and a Zelda game in the style of TP. Also more Metroid and a sequel to Super Mario Odyssey. 😅
2. A Mario Odyssey sequel with playable Luigi.🎮
3. A new Pokémon game.👾
Honourable Mention: GameCube library for the online service!✨
A new Zelda
A Mario Open World
The Last Story 2
Red Steel 3
A Pokémon Game that allows all Pokémon on it
Kid Icarus Uprising Port with modern controls.
Yeah, mostly ports cause I don't have ideas of newer games at the moment
1. Kid Icarus (uprising port and/or new)
2. Street Fighter 6 port
3. Animal Crossing
2. 3D Mario
3. Wario Land (I love WarioWare, but Wario Land is a great platformer series)
2.) New Rhythm Heaven
3.) New Kid Icarus or Uprising port/remaster
• A new Zelda game
• A brand new franchise
My mind is less on potential titles and more on features. Yes, it's bigger, but so what? What else? Drift? Streaming? Lag? What makes it worth saving up for, you know? 🤭
Kid Icarus (port, sequel, just gimme something)
If we get ARMS 2, I may actually lose my mind.
3D Kirby
Twilight Princess HD port
Brand new Donkey Kong Country
2. A new 3D Mario, one that's closer to Super Mario Sunshine's format, rather than Odyssey's
3. A new Mario Kart game
Snes, N64 & Ganecube editions.