the home of most MAGA morons I find it amusing that they will be the ones most affected by Donny diaper and yet the AGs and governors say nothing and the MAGA morons don't care?
How can you not be successful as an opposing party candidate with these type of results? The majority in these states can’t be happy being seen as losers
I live in Oklahoma. I can attest to the ignorance and stupidity of the general population!! They expect change but continue to vote against their own interests. And they wonder why Oklahoma continues to be in the bottom 10 of just about everything!!!!
My state was the first to fire shots at the last asshole King that tried to pull the shit Trump/Musk are pulling. We're pretty strong in our resolve when it comes to wannabe monarchs.
Right? April 19th is the 250th anniversary of the first shots fired in the revolution. I kinda want to go to the celebrations with a sign that says “We took down tyranny once. We can do it again.”
1/4 of all Oklahomans use Medicaid benefits, the majority are white adults. Only about 1/8 of Massachusetts citizens utilize Medicaid benefits. Information is power. If you support your community, it supports you. Everyone wins when you don't vote against yourselves.
Because oklahoma sucks.
For the geography buffs I rolled out the old joke about Tx and Ok even though politically, Tx sucks just as bad as Ok.