hi, cis folks! S.9 is the senate sports ban for trans people—a big step to making trump’s executive order federal law—much harder to undo. there's a procedural vote TOMORROW.
short call scripts for dem & GOP senators ⬇️.
if you'll stand with trans folks, it's time.🧵
short call scripts for dem & GOP senators ⬇️.
if you'll stand with trans folks, it's time.🧵
no dem cosponsors so far. but dems often cast cowardly votes & need to know it won't hurt them to stand with trans people. see ⬇️🧵
find your reps: https://myreps.datamade.us
some GOP can be manipulated, especially if they think it could cost them (see ⬇️).
*do not do a fake 'hick' voice.* your suburban neighbors are trump voters.🧵
find your reps: https://myreps.datamade.us
tap in for a thread of context and resources.