there’s nothing but evil downstream of helping trump pass his budget. it’s the beginning of the end for trans healthcare, it removes congress’ powers to fight tariffs.
if you’re in NY & want to call schumer tomorrow but can’t get a DC answer, he has other offices & it’s 2025—they talk. 🧵
if you’re in NY & want to call schumer tomorrow but can’t get a DC answer, he has other offices & it’s 2025—they talk. 🧵
If there were only 4 votes for cloture, my guess is Chuck wouldn’t be #5. He is probably reason it is ‘only’ 8.
his whole thing right now is surrender.
That isn’t my opinion. It was said to me by a former Senator years ago when I was ripping Schumer.
Our senators think they are above it all. Their Senators fall in line.
“if republicans want a budget that will hurt americans and your constituents, they should do it without your help.”
then give them one sentence about how this would affect you or someone you love.🧵
the hyde amendment for trans care. that’s bad! 🧵
you can find all their DC office numbers here—and there are other likely vichy democrat collaborators.
as with everything now, hearing this could personally cost them matters.🧵
do you live in oregon or massachusetts, maybe?
it takes one senator to deny unanimous consent for a time agreement. call your senator & tell them to step up & that they have your back if they do. 🧵
call, please. it matters.
Only takes 1. I've been calling my cowards for weeks, demanding it, with no results.